The United States GPS and Russian GLONASS navigation systems offer a wide range of applications for maritime, land mobile and aeronautical users. However, in most cases a ""civil overlay system"" is needed to optimize service performance and integrity.This documentary outlines ESA's efforts to develop and demonstrate such a system for aeronautical navigation.
10:00:00:00 gvs' passenger plane, Eurostar, freight ship, crop spraying
10:00:31:00 title sequence: Whose Sky Is It?
10:01:00:00 gvs' transport, satellite navigation systems
10:01:52:00 gvs' Hamburg harbour, freight loading; mcs Professor of flight technology [interview in German]
10:03:30:00 animation tracking satellite
10:03:48:00 ms satellite receiver, top shot mobile crane
10:03:54:00 var s' passenger plane in flight; animation plane receives radar signals, globe receives radar signals
10:04:47:00 gvs' commercial aviation control; gvs' launch of American military plane from aircraft carrier; gvs' launch of missile from underwater site
10:05:37:00 mcs French Director of Air Navigation, interspersed with gvs' air traffic control
10:07:37:00 gvs' transport [freight ship, Eurostar, planes on runway and in flight]
10:07:58:00 mcs Neil Kinnock [interview in English]
10:08:49:00 gvs' Inmarsat launch
10:09:07:00 animations Inmarsat world coverage, satellites in orbit, terrestrial transfer of si