The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.
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The launch of Envisat, the largest and most sophisticated Earth Observations satellite to date, in February 2002 will be a key moment for Europe. This is an area of space in which Europe has taken an undiputed world lead.
The Envisat satellite is an advance polar-orbiting Earth satellite, which will providfe measurements of the atmosphere ocean, land and ice over a five-year period.
Once launced, Envisat will improve upon measurements initiated by ESA's ERS-1 & 2 satellites.
This Video Index provides broadcasts with background footage on Envisat and covers the following areas:
History and Legacy
Mission, Systems & Development
Envisat Endorsments.
It includes English soundbytes by various experts and scientists and all the background footage carries clean internationsl sound.
10:00:00 ESA Opener & copyright
10:00:49 Introduction
10:06:52 Envisat History & Legacy
10:11:14 Envisat MIssion, Systems & Development
10:25:07 Apllications, NPA
10:30:46 Applications, ECMWF
10:38:03 Applications, JRC
10:43:37 Applications, GKSS
10:49:51 Envisat Endorsements
10:00:49 SLATE - Envisat News Index
10:00:54 SLATE - Envisat 2 shots in test bay
10:01:10 SLATE - Envisat 3D animations (x3)
10:01:53 SLATE - Ariane Launcher at Guiana SPace Center, Kourou, French Guiana
10:02:05 SLATE - Ariane 5 Booster Separation animation
10:02:20 SLATE - Faring Separation animation
10:02:39 SLATE - Separation Cryogenic stage animation
10:02:58 SLATE - Separation last stage animation
10:03:24 SLATE - Simulated Earth orbit from Envisat
10:03:39 SLATE - MInisterial Conference Toulouse (France), October 1995, Where Envisat development was ndorsed
- Exterior of building - Interior/Delegates preparing for Conference
- Shaking hands on agreement
10:04:14 SLATE - Envisat orbiting (3D animations