STS-116 Highlights - The Mission of ESA Astronaut Christer Fuglesang
On Friday 22 December 2006, Christer Fuglesang, the first Nordic astronaut, returned to Earth with Space Shuttle Discovery at the end of a 13-day mission to the ISS. Fuglesang participated in three spacewalks, the first two of which had been part of the original schedule: Fuglesang and NASA astronaut Robert Curbeam attached a new segment to the ISS truss; rewired The ISS electrical power system; and replaced some equipment outside the ISS.
The third spacewalk, during the night of 18/19 December, became necessary because one of the Station's original solar arrays did not retract on its own. Fuglesang and Curbeam successfully freed up the jammed array.
The STS-116 Highlights tell the story of the mission from walk-out to the launch pad until landing, keeping the focus on Fuglesang. The ESA astronaut and his fellow NASA crew Members will visit Scandinavia, Germany, the Netherlands and France in the two weeks starting 10 April.
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STS 116 B-Roll Christer Fuglesang
START 00:00:30 Title
FD1 00:00:40 Launch prep Launch
FD3 00:02:43 ISS in cross-hair ahead of docking Shuttle docks with ISS Shuttle crew welcomed on board ISS All crew waving EVA1 preps - Curbeam and Fuglesang prepare for camp-out in Quest Airlock
FD4 00:04:26 Wake-up call - music is ABBA for Christer Info about truss segment that is being installed Communication between spacewalkers and robotic arm operator Moving P5 truss segment into position Reflection of Swedish flag in drill
FD5 00:06:26 Problems retracting solar array
FD6 00:07:19 EVA2 with Fuglesang relocating CETA cart Fuglesang taking photo Curbeam Exchange between Curbeam and Fuglesang at end of EVA - 'jetta jetta bra!'
FD7 00:08:02 Inflight call with Princess Victoria and Minister Olofsson Inflight call frisbee throw Crew press conference
FD8 00:13:10 EVA3 Suni Williams on robotic a