The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.
Find out more about space activities in our 23 Member States, and understand how ESA works together with their national agencies, institutions and organisations.
Exploring our Solar System and unlocking the secrets of the Universe
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English Science@ESA: Episode 8: The Sun, our local star
In this eighth episode of the Science@ESA vodcast series Rebecca Barnes will investigate our closest star, the Sun, find out why it is the central engine of the Solar System and look at Ulysses, SOHO and Cluster, the European space missions that have been key to advancing our understanding of the Sun.
Français Science@ESA : Épisode 8 - Le Soleil, notre étoile locale
Dans ce huitième épisode des podcasts vidéo Science@ESA, Rebecca Barnes s’intéresse au Soleil, l’étoile la plus proche de la Terre. Découvrez son rôle central dans le système solaire et obtenez plus d’informations sur Ulysses, SOHO et Cluster, les missions spatiales européennes qui nous ont permis d’approfondir nos connaissances sur le Soleil.
Deutsch Science@ESA: Episode 8: Die Sonne, unser Stern
In dieser achten Episode der Science@ESA-Vodcasts erforscht Rebecca Barnes den uns am nächsten gelegenen Stern - die Sonne. Sie erklärt, warum die Sonne der Antriebsmotor des Sonnensystems ist und stellt uns die europäischen Satelliten Ulysses, SOHO und Cluster vor, die uns wichtige neue Erkenntnisse über die Sonne liefern.
Science@ESA: Episodio 8: Il Sole, la nostra stella
Nell'ottavo episodio della serie di vodcast Science@ESA, Rebecca Barnes studierà la nostra stella più vicina, il Sole, scoprendo perché è il motore centrale del sistema solare e ripercorrendo le missioni spaziali europee Ulysses, SOHO e Cluster che hanno contribuito in modo determinante alla nostra conoscenza del Sole.
Español Science@ESA: Episodio 8: El Sol, nuestra estrella cercana
En el octavo episodio de vodcasts Science@ESA, Rebecca Barnes investiga nuestra estrella más cercana, el Sol, averigua por qué es el motor central del Sistema Solar y nos muestra Ulises, SOHO y Cluster, las misiones espaciales europeas que han sido clave para avanzar en nuestra comprensión del Sol.