The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.
Find out more about space activities in our 23 Member States, and understand how ESA works together with their national agencies, institutions and organisations.
Exploring our Solar System and unlocking the secrets of the Universe
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English Science@ESA: Episode 9: The siblings of Earth
In this ninth episode of the Science@ESA vodcast Rebecca Barnes looks at two of the terrestrial planets: Venus and Mars, explores their similarities and differences to Earth and finds out about the European missions that are helping to unravel their mysteries.
Français Science@ESA : Épisode 9 - Les sœurs de la Terre
Dans ce neuvième épisode des podcasts vidéo Science@ESA, Rebecca Barnes étudie les planètes telluriques Vénus et Mars. Découvrez leurs similitudes et différences par rapport à la Terre, et apprenez-en plus sur les missions européennes qui ont dévoilé leurs mystères.
Deutsch Science@ESA: Episode 9: Die Geschwister der Erde
In dieser neunten Episode der Science@ESA-Vodcasts stellt uns Rebecca Barnes zwei der terrestrischen Planeten vor: Venus und Mars. Sie untersucht, was sie mit der Erde verbindet und von ihr unterscheidet, und betrachtet die europäischen Missionen, die uns helfen, die Geheimnisse um die beiden Planeten zu enthüllen.
Science@ESA: Episodio 9: I fratelli della Terra
Nel nono episodio dei vodcast Science@ESA, Rebecca Barnes esplora due dei pianeti terrestri, Venere e Marte, studiandone le analogie e le differenze rispetto alla Terra e scoprendo le missioni europee che ci aiuteranno a svelarne i misteri.
Español Science@ESA: Episodio 9: Los hermanos de la Tierra
En esta novena entrega de vodcasts Science@ESA, Rebecca Barnes nos muestra dos los planetas que se asemejan a la Tierra: Venus y Marte. Veremos sus similitudes y sus diferencias con la Tierra y las misiones europeas que están ayudando a desentrañar sus misterios.