It was not an easy task, but our #MySpaceDream ESA jury has selected three winners for our competition, choosing from over 650 videos sent in from all over the world. We have enjoyed finding out about your space dreams. Solar events, climate change, black holes, exoplanets, space debris, the Moon and Mars, among other things. From pure wonder to elaborate space-induced solutions for Earth, we feel inspired by your enthusiasm and the trust you put in the future of space activities. A sincere thank you to all for your dedication and interest! Congratulations to our three brilliant winners!
My Space Dream competition takes place against the backdrop of Space19+, ESA’s Council at Ministerial level. It’s a vital time for Member States to share their ideas and ambitions for their space agency and commit to the exciting projects and missions needed for the years ahead. Great space activities like the International Space Station, the Ariane launcher family, and landing on a comet with Rosetta started as dreams and aspirations – what new dreams will become reality in the next generation?