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This animation demonstrates the capability of Lightning Imager to monitor single convective systems in great detail. This close-up view of a mesoscale convective system in the Sahel region in northern Africa shows the westward movement and evolution of a big cluster of tropical thunderstorms.
The system is driven by an African easterly wave that stretches further north and south from the main convection at the beginning of the animation, visible as a narrow line of clouds travelling from east to west with the main storm cluster. Later in the afternoon when the air has heated up, a line of new storms is triggered along the wave, forming a bow-like line of thunderstorms.
The animation shows how the lightning is more frequent in developing storms than in parts of the system that are already mature. Sun glint can be seen crossing the field of view as the day develops.
This animation, zooming in on the Sahel region in Africa, was made using about 13 hours’ worth of data from the Meteosat Third Generation Lightning Imager’s east camera, from 04:00 to 16:55 UTC 6 June 2023. It was made from raw preliminary data and is not for operational use.