The last manned American mission to the Moon was launched on December 6th, 1972. This film provides concise coverage, containing footage as follows: astronauts enter launch assembly; statement by Dr. Rocco Petrone, director of the Apollo programme; control centre, launch; docking with Challenger docking module; statement on Skylab from Dr. Christopher C. Kraft, director of the Manned Spaceflight Centre; descent of lunar module, view of Moon's surface from module; Challenger module lands; EVA [Extra-Vehicular Activity] on surface of Moon, views of the lunar Rover; erection of the American flag, assembly of the Alsep scientific equipment; statement on the functioning of the Alsep equipment by Dr. David Strangway of the Manned Spacecraft Centre; exploration of the orange soil in Shorty Crater; general footage of astronauts on the Moon's surface; still, and in-flight footage, of the orbiter; various scientists comment on the functioning of the scientific equipment; lift-off of the Challenger lunar module, in-flight
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