A summary of the scientific results of the Hubble Space Telescope, including an explanation of the spherical aberration of the primary mirror and the solutions under review.
00:09:57:00 contents page
10:00:06:00 ESA opening sequence
10:00:15:00 title: Hubble Space Telescope - An Overview
10:00:19:00 gvs' the 1990 launch of the Hubble Space Telescope [HST] by the shuttle Discovery
10:01:13:00 animations: HST works on much the same principle as ground-based telescopes
10:01:49:00 animations: HST in orbit, shuttle with HST on robot arm
10:02:15:00 title: Interview With Claude Nicollier, ESA astronaut
10:02:19:00 mcs Nicollier
10:02:53:00 gvs' astronauts onboard the shuttle
10:03:12:00 gvs' HST deployment
10:03:25:00 var s' solar arrays on water test bed
10:03:40:00 animation: HST cs away from cam
10:03:55:00 animations: astronomical images [Pluto with its moon, Saturn, protoplanetary disc, blue stragglers, gravitational lensing]; HST in orbit
10:06:17:00 title: The Space Science
10:06:21:00 animations: HST away from cam, the Earth
10:07:00:00 title: interview with Peter Jacobsen, ESA astronomer
10:07:04:00 mcs Jacobsen
10:07:28:00 mls observatory