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1st European Astro Pi Challenge – Timeline

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ESA / Education / AstroPI


Launch of European Astro Pi Challenge

Phase 1 – Registration and submission of Experiment Idea 4/10/16 – 13/11/16
Publication of supporting resources and Astro Pi guidelines  21/11/16 
Selection of teams who presented best experiment ideas 16/11/16 – 24/11/16 

Announcement of selected teams and mission announcement 

Distribution of Astro Pi kits to the selected teams




Phase 2 - Discover the Astro Pi, design the experiment to accomplish the mission, write and submit your code  25/11/16 – 28/02/17
Deadline for submitting your experiment/code  28/02/17
Phase 3 – Best experiments/codes are selected and run on the ISS 1/03/17 – 15/05/17
Selection of the best experiment/codes to be run on the ISS 1/03/17 – 14/03/17
Announcement of the selected experiments/codes 15/03/17
Publication of the results (after the codes have been run on the ISS) 15/05/17