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Meet the team: 2009x CanSat

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ESA / Education / CanSat
Teacher: Jan Kaae Pedersen and Line Vejrum Waehrens. 
Team members: Agnete (team leader), Julie (mathematician), Simon (programmer) and Steffen (technician)
School: Noerresundby Gymnasium
Country: Denmark

Description of the CanSat Missions:

We will carry out the mandatory missions, where we calculate the height using our measurements of temperature and pressure. In our secondary mission we want to do GPS measurements and acceleration measurements. We want to compare the height from the GPS measurements to the calculated height. We want to save all acceleration measurements on board the satellite on a memory card in order to study the period of acceleration during the launch.


We participated in a competition against our classmates’ CanSat at the end of June. For this test we sent up the CanSat with a small remote controlled helicopter. The helicopter dropped the CanSat at a height of about 30 metres and we had radio contact during both ascent and descent. In this mission the CanSat measured temperature and pressure, and calculated an estimate for maximum height during post-mission analysis.

We are currently in the process of adding the GPS component, testing the satellite and editing the design document.