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Meet the team: Bolyai

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ESA / Education / CanSat
Teacher: Mária Peto
Team members: Andrea Popescu (structure/design, calculations/mathematics, data analysis),  Kriszta Rosu (public relations, structure/design, data analysis), Gellért-Pál Kovács (programme development, electronics, communication and sensors), Zsolt Pünkösti (programme development, electronics, web development for outreach)
School: Székely Mikó Theoretical High School
Country: Romania

Description of the CanSat missions

We will measure the dust density in the atmosphere (in mg/m3) both at the launch campaign in Norway and in our region, as well. We'll do that using an optical dust sensor (like Sharp's GP2Y1010AU0F sensor). This sensor uses some laws of optics, more precisely the phenomenon of reflection. A phototransistor and an infrared emitting diode are diagonally arranged into this device in order to allow it to detect the reflected light of dust in air (photometrical analysis). It is very effective in detecting very fine particles and in addition it can distinguish smoke from house dust by pulse pattern of output voltage.The sensor has a very low current consumption (20 mA max, 11 mA typical). The output of this sensor is an analog voltage proportional to the measured dust density, with a sensitivity of 0.5 V/0.1 mg/m3.

In our opinion, protecting the environment and establishing an environmental education, behaviour are possible only if we are aware how we harm it. On one hand, the social sustainability only works in a healthy environment. If the environment is bad then diseases will appear and spread much more quickly. On the other hand, the only way for discovering problems is science. Moreover, this is our tool to analyse the discovered problems and to create the solutions, too. Using science we can substantially decrease the level of pollution or even completely disarm pollution.


The CanSat is up and running now and we are continuously testing, from a height of about 100 metres. The programming has been finished and the radio connection is also working. The battery and the sensors are installed. We had some problems with the optical dust sensor, but have managed to overcome them. A new parachute has been designed and made, according to our calculations, from a special windproof material. Also, the outer shell has been chosen and manufactured: it is made of plastic, since the one from duramide (PA 6.6) wasn’t resistant enough and it broke during the first test.

In order to promote the project, we have published articles in seven different local and national newspapers. A 50-second-radio spot is played eight times a day in the regional radio. We held Romanian, Hungarian and English language presentations in three schools to encourage students to participate in projects similar to the CanSat Competition. The English version of this creative presentation is available at the following link: . Of course, our three blogs have been updated regularly. The English version can be reached here: