ESA title
Climate detectives

Climate Detectives 2020-2021 kicks off

17/09/2020 3012 views 19 likes
ESA / Education / Climate detectives

Do you want to make a difference in protecting our planet, while looking from space to Earth or by doing your own ground observations? Join the third edition of Climate Detectives school project and help ESA protect Earth’s Climate.

Level: 8 to 15 years old

As Climate Detectives, your team will investigate a local climate problem by using satellite images, analysing historical climate data  and/or by taking measurements on the ground! Based on the results of your investigation, you will have to propose a way to help monitor, reduce, or mitigate the problem. At the end of the project all teams will share their results with the ESA Climate Detectives community on the project platform. This way everyone can learn from your team’s work and students can also raise awareness of the problem they have investigated.  From air and water quality to extreme weather events, students will gain knowledge about climate on Earth as a complex and changing system and the importance of respecting our environment.

All teams that share their project will receive a certificate of participation by email. The best projects will be highlighted on the project website and the team members will receive Climate Detectives goodies.  Teams of younger climate scientists (from 8 to 10 years old) that submit the best projects will also have their work highlighted in the ESA Kids website.

You are one step closer to making a difference!

Get Involved! 

Learn more, access the project resources and join Climate Detectives 2020-21 at 

Registrations open: 17 September 2020 

Deadline for entry submission: 24 November 2020