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How to apply

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ESA / Education / Climate detectives
  1. Team up and check below the eligibility of your team.
  2. Read carefully the guidelines of the project. 
  3. Check if there is a project being run in your country here. If there is, you have to apply to the project through your national organiser. Teams can submit their investigation plan from 18 September until 14 November 2019.
  4. If there is no national coordinator, teams have to apply to the project through the ESA Education office. The investigation plans (in English) must be submitted online, by filling out this form, from 18 September until 14 November 2019.  


In order for a team to be considered eligible, the following conditions should be fulfilled:

  • Participation is open to teams from 8 up to (and including) 15 years old.
  • Each student team must consist of a minimum of six students up to the whole class.
  • One teacher can sign up maximum three student teams. 
  • At least 50% of the team members must have the nationality of an ESA Member State. Further to the 22 Member States, also Canada and Slovenia, based on their agreements with ESA, qualify to fully participate in the programmes of the ESA Education Office. In the framework of the current collaboration agreement between ESA and the Republic of Malta, teams from Malta can also participate in the Climate Detectives project. 
  • Each team must be supervised by a teacher or mentor acting as the team’s point of contact with ESA’s Education Office and, where applicable, with the respective National Coordinator.
  • Each team can submit one entry only and each student can only be a member of one team.


Team members must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Be enrolled full-time in a primary or secondary school located in an ESA Member State, Canada, Malta and Slovenia; ESA will also accept entries from primary or secondary schools located outside the list of countries mentioned above only if such schools are officially authorised and/or certified by the official Education authorities of an ESA Member State, Canada, Malta and Slovenia (for instance, French school outside Europe officially recognised by French Ministry of Education or delegated authority).
  • Be home schooled (certified by the National Ministry of Education or delegated authority in an ESA Member State, Canada, Malta and Slovenia).
  • Be a member of a science or environment club, enrolled full-time in a primary or secondary school in an ESA Member State, Canada, Malta and Slovenia.

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