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2022 Schedule

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ESA / Education / Drop Your Thesis!

The programme Drop Your Thesis! is composed of five main phases, from the idea of the experiment to the data analysis. Please visit the page Programme phases to have a detailed description of each stage. The table below defines the milestones for the edition DYT 2022.

Phase Description Deadline
A.1 Project definition and proposal writing November 14, 2021, 23:59 CET
A.2 Review of proposals and selection of teams December 2, 2021
B Training Workshop and Experiment Development January 25 - 28, 2022
C Experiment Preparation February – September, 2022
D Microgravity Campaign Q.4 2022 (dates - TBD)
E Final Report Submission 4 months after the campaign

Please note that those dates can be subject to change due to external factors.