ESA title
Inside the 120m high steel tube of the ZARM Drop Tower

Drop Your Thesis! 2021 call for proposals extended

26/11/2020 449 views 0 likes
ESA / Education / Drop Your Thesis!

Unfortunately, the number of applications received for Drop Your Thesis! 2021 did not meet the requirements for the Selection Board to start the reviewing process. Therefore, ESA Academy is extending the deadline until January 10th 2021, giving teams a few more weeks to put together their experiment or technological demo proposal on paper!  Almost as soon as the teams are selected they will participate in an online training workshop (weeks 4 and 5 2021)

Black Spheres’ logo
Black Spheres’ logo

While 2020 has been fraught with uncertainties regarding access to university labs and ESA campaigns getting the go-ahead, ESA Academy does the utmost to help the teams reach their goals.  The Drop Your Thesis! is a fairly flexible programme in as far as the campaign dates, can be with the proper discussions and agreements between all parties, changed if extenuating circumstance have affected the project’s schedule. 

This is exactly what happened because of Covid-19. This year’s Drop Your Thesis! team Black Spheres from Poland, preferred to delay the campaign until March next year because of the quarantine requirements coming into and from Germany to Poland would mean quite some time away from studying.  ZARM along with ESA Academy reviewed this and all agreed that for the benefit of the students the campaign should be delayed until quarantine restrictions were alleviated.

Need inspiration? Watch some of the videos of previous Drop Your Thesis! teams here, here, here, here and here in this world-class facility providing the best quality microgravity on Earth!