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Past opportunities 2021

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ESA / Education / ESA Academy

Online Product Assurance Awareness Training Course 2021

Status: Call for the applications closed. Training Course delivered.

Date: 15-24 November 2021

Description: During this online training course held over eight afternoon sessions, students are given an understanding of the PA engineer role in order to increase their awareness and the interest on PA&S and present them the different related disciplines. Throughout face-to-face lectures from several ESA’s PA managers and PA discipline experts, students will understand that PA is an integral part of the engineering activities playing a role in the development, design, test philosophy, build and operation of the system. 


Day 1 Welcome and Introduction
Overall Context of Space Project
Day 2 Setting the Scene
Day 3 Quality Management and Assurance
Day 4 Dependability
Day 5 Software Product Assurance
Day 6  Materials and Processes
Day 7 Radiation Hardness Assurance
Day 8  Product Assurance in Space Business


Online ESEO In Flight Experience Workshop 2

Status: Call for the applications closed. Workshop delivered.

Date: 19-21 October 2021

Description: During this workshop jointly organized by ESA and SITAEL, students learn from engineers and scientists who had a hand in building and operating ESEO. They are made familiar with the anatomy of the satellite and its subsystems.


Day 1 ESEO Mission Chronicle
ESEO Design, Anomalies and Results
Anomalies and Results:AOCS Case Study
Mission Data Analysis
Ground Segment: Design, Upgrade and Performance
GS Virtual Tour
Day 2 Operations: Validation and Execution Processes
ATB Procedure Rehearsal
Day 3 ESEO Lessons Learnt


Online Human Space Physiology Training Course 2021

Status: Call for the applications closed. Training Course delivered.

Date: 18-29 October 2021

Description: The training course is organised online, over two weeks, in collaboration with ESA’s Space Medicine Team. During the first week, through interactive lectures, students are introduced to the human physiological effects of spaceflight and to the approaches to mitigate the effects of microgravity on the human body with the use of analogues and models of the space environment. During the second week of the course, students work on a group project, investigating some of the major issues and challenges that must be overcome as human spaceflight moves beyond the International Space Station.


Day 1 Venturing into Space
A History of Human Spaceflight
The Realities of the Space Environment
Life Support on the ISS
Introduction to Group Project
Day 2 Human 'Spaceflight' Science
A Sense of Space
How Do Animal and Cellular Studies Help Our Understanding of Human Space Physiology
The Vestibular System and Microgravity Induced Neuroplasticity
Fundamentals of Muscle and Neuromuscular Function in Space
Day 3 Key Space Environment Adaptation
ESA Human Research Activities - ISS and Ground Analogues
Fundamentals of Bone Physiology in Space
Effects of Microgravity on the Cardiovascular System
Immunology in Space
Day 4 Space Medicine Support on the ISS and Beyond?
Medical Support of ISS Astronauts
Psychological Support for Spaceflight
The Global Exploration Roadmap – The Future of Human Space Exploration
Nutritional Support for Astronauts
Day 5 Astronaut Support on the ISS and Space Radiation
Physical Exercise and Reconditioning in Spaceflight Space Medicine Projects at the EAC
EVA Training
Days 6 to 9 Group Project (afternoons)
Day 10 Group Project Presentations & Training Course Conclusion


Online Fly Your Satellite! Phase D Workshop 2021

Status: Closed. Workshop delivered.

Date: 18-22 October 2021

Description: This workshop will be held online over 5 afternoons and is organised by the Fly Your Satellite! team of the ESA Academy Programme. Phase D of Fly Your Satellite! comprises satellite integration; functional tests in ambient conditions; environmental tests; and concludes with the Flight Acceptance Review. The workshop’s objective is to prepare students for this upcoming Phase by giving them the necessary theoretical insight.

Preliminary Schedule:

Day 1 Introduction
Software Verification
Mission Status Update by CubeSat Teams
Day 2 EMC Verification
Assembly & Integration
Functional Testing
Day 3 Vibration Testing
Thermal Verification
Day 4 Product Assurance
Ground Station
Day 5 Lessons Learned from FYS2
Subsystem Testing


Online CubeSat Design Training Week 2021

Status:  Call for the applications closed. Training Week delivered.
Date: 13-23 September 2021

Description: During this training week held over 9 afternoon sessions, the university students learn about small satellite design and testing through hands-on exercises on a CubeSat training model, the ESAT. These lab sessions are supervised by Theia Space and complemented by technical lectures, delivered by ESA experts. The aim of this Training Week is to allow university students, who are involved in a CubeSat mission or would like to develop one, to get acquainted to the hardware and software of a CubeSat and to the assembly, integration and verifications of a small satellite as well as all the testing required.


Day 1 Welcome and Introduction
Systems Engineering Principles
FYS Programme
Day 2 Mission analysis
Group Project Session 1
Day 3 CubeSat Configuration
Group Project Session 2
Electrical Power Supply
Day 4 Attitude Determination Control System
Group Project Session 3
On-Board Data Handling
Day 5 Group Project Session 4
Group Project Session 5
Day 6 On-board Software
Group Project Session 6
Day 7 Assembly, Integration and Verification
Group Project Session 7
Day 8 Spacecraft Operations
Group Project Session 8
Day 9 Group Project Final Presentations


Online Ladybird Guide to Spacecraft Operations Training Course 2021

Status: Call for applications closed. Training Course delivered.

Date: 30 August-10 September 2021

Description: The Training Course is delivered online, through 10 afternoon sessions. Taught by an ESA expert from the Advanced Operations Concepts Office of ESA’s European Space Operations Centre (ESOC), Darmstadt, Germany, the course is offered through formal lectures without excessive mathematics or technical jargon, but with a heavy emphasis placed on the interaction with the students. Students learn about: 

  • the challenges of operating a spacecraft (as opposed to designing a spacecraft)
  • the operator’s view on all the spacecraft subsystems and the design features to implement in order to operate them
  • ‘physiological’ traps to be avoided during operations and testing


Day 1 Introduction - the difference between design and operations engineers 
Day 2 Mission design and payloads
Attitude Dynamic and Control Subsystems - part 1
Day 3 Attitude Dynamic and Control Subsystems - part 2
Day 4 Operations
Orbit Control System
Power - part 1 
Day 5 Group Project
Day 6 Power - part 2
Day 7 ESEC
Telemetry, Telecommunication & Command
On Board Data Handling - part 1
Day 8 On Board Data Handling - part 2
On Board Software
Live pass
Day 9 Group Project
Day 10  Wrap-up
ESA & ESA Education Programme



Online Space Systems Engineering Training Course 2021

Status: Closed. Training Course delivered.
Date: 12-20 July 2021

Description: During this seven-day training course, students are given a 'crash-course' in systems engineering and its applications within the space industry, in particular within ESA. The course provides an overview of the scope and context of systems engineering in general, before outlining the roles of a system engineer. The course further explores some key system engineering roles, such as requirements capture, architecture definition and verification and validation. The full space system life cycle is explored from a system engineering viewpoint. The course is delivered by current and former ESA experts with a wealth of experience in Earth-Observation projects, in the form of interactive lectures and group exercises. By the end of the course, students have an understanding of what systems engineering is, and what a systems engineer does throughout a space project lifecycle, as well as some of the key challenges they face!

Key topics:

  • Scope and context of Systems Engineering
  • What is Systems Engineering?
  • How to represent a System
  • The Space Programmatic Environment
  • Tasks of a Systems Engineer
  • Systems Engineering Process
  • System Requirements
  • How to define the architecture of a system, including trade-offs and specification
  • Design of a space mission 
  • Development and Verification Approach
  • Application of a real space project 
  • Systems Engineering and Project Management
  • Process Management, Operations, and End of Missions


Online ESA/ELGRA Gravity-Related Research Summer School 2021

Status: Call for the applications closed. Summer School delivered.

Date: 21 June – 2 July 2021

Description: During this Summer School which is held online over 10 full days, university students are introduced to gravity-related research by ELGRA and ESA experts from across Europe. Throughout stimulating lectures about the current research under microgravity and hypergravity conditions in life and physical sciences, students appreciate the benefits of performing research at different g levels. Moreover, the students work within small groups to come up with potential ideas for future gravity-related experiment student projects, also with the benefit of the existing ESA Educational platforms such as the parabolic flights, the human centrifuge or the ISS.  


Week 1 (21-25 June 2021)
Day 1 Introduction to ESA, its programmes and opportunities
Introduction to ELGRA and SELGRA
Gravity-related research overview
Gravity and gravity-related research platforms
ESA Education Office and hands-on programmes
Develop a Gravity-Related Experiment
Team Project Introduction
Day 2 Presentations by Former Student Teams of ESA Academy’s Hands-On Programmes
Life Science Gravity-Related Research Lecture 1
Physical Science Gravity-Related Research Lecture 1
Human Physiology Gravity-Related Research Lecture 1
Team Work
Day 3 Life Science Gravity-Related Research Lecture 2
Physical Science Gravity-Related Research Lecture 2
Human Physiology Gravity-Related Research Lecture 2
Team Work
Day 4 Life Science Gravity-Related Research Lecture 3
Physical Science Gravity-Related Research Lecture 3
Human Physiology Gravity-Related Research Lecture 3
Team Work
Day 5 Team Project Topic Pitch
Week 2 (28 June-2 July 2021)
Day 6 Project Management Workshop
Team Work
Team Meetings with Tutors
Day 7 Systems Engineering and Requirements Definition Workshop
Team Work
Team Meetings with Tutors
Day 8-9 Team Work
Team Meetings with Tutors
Day 10 Team Project Presentations


Online Space Debris Training Course 2021

Status: Call for the applications closed. Training Course delivered.

Date:  17-28 May 2021 

Description: During this online training course which are held over 9 afternoon sessions, the university students are provided with an introduction to the concept of space debris, why it is necessary to address this issue and how the mitigation policies set by ESA apply to missions. The students do not only learn about the space debris environment and mitigation technologies, but also about how it affects spacecraft’s operations and the issues and solutions foreseen in the future. Taught by ESA experts, mainly from the ESA Space Debris Office, as well as external experts from the sector, the course is delivered online through formal technical lectures, which are complemented with hands-on exercises based on a real-life case study. 


Day 1                   Introduction                                                                                        
Forces Acting on a Space Object
Space Debris Environment - Part 1
Day 2 Space Debris Environment – Part 2
Space Debris: Legal & Regulatory Aspects
Group Project Session 1
Mitigation Principles & Guidelines – Part 1
Day 3 Mitigation Principles & Guidelines – Part 2
Deorbiting & Passivation technologies
Space Debris Mitigation Context - Part 1
Day 4 Space Debris Mitigation Context - Part 2
The Future of the Environment
Group Project Session 2
Day 5 Space Surveillance
Collision Avoidance
Operating in the Space Debris Environment
Day 6 Protection & Shielding
Aerothermodynamic during re-entry - Part 1
Group Project Session 3
Day 7 Aerothermodynamics during re-entry - Part 2
Simulation of Spacecraft Destruction during Atmospheric Re-entry
On-ground Risk Estimation
Day 8 Group Project Session 4
Design for Demise
Active Debris Removal
Day 9 Group Project Session 5



Online Clean Space Training Course 2021

Status: Call for the applications closed. Training Course delivered.

Date:  3-7 May 2021 

Description: During this five-day online training course, university students familiarise with approaches to consider the environmental impact of the entire life cycle of a space mission. The course focuses on technologies to design a satellite which will not generate more debris, that will remove the ones already in orbit and that will be environmentally friendly. The online lecture sessions provide the necessary knowledge and tools to develop in teams a ‘clean’ satellite during the group project.

Day 1                     Welcome and Introduction
Clean Space Overview
Life Cycle Assessment & EcoDesign
Group Project 1: Baseline mission and Environmental impacts assessment
Day 2 Space Debris Mitigation Requirements & Implication in the Spacecraft Design
Re-entry Strategies
Passivation: Propulsion & Power
Group Project 2: Comply with Space Debris Mitigation requirements, Part 1
Legal Aspects
Day 3 Design for Demise: why and how?
Group Project 2: Comply with Space Debris Mitigation requirements, Part 2
On-Orbit Servicing
Close Proximity Operations
ESA & ESA Education Programme
Day 4 Active Debris Removal Overview
Group Project 3: Remove your satellite from orbit
Guidance, Navigation and Control for Capturing
Robotics for Capturing
Day5 Design for Removal
Final Group Project: Clean the mega constellations!
Final Group Presentations


Online Earth Observation Satellite System Design Training Course 2021

Status:  Call for the applications closed. Training Course delivered.

Date:  22 March – 2 April 2021 

Description: The aim of this online training course is to provide university students with insights on the entire development of an Earth Observation satellite, from the definition of the initial requirements to the final in-orbit verifications, including risks assessment and ground operations, and with an emphasis on the sizing of the Earth Observation instruments. Taught by current and former ESA experts and external experts, this course is delivered through formal online lectures, which are complemented by a group project, where the students design a simple Earth Observation satellite.


 Day 1  Introduction to Earth Observation (EO) and EO Satellite Systems
Introduction to Remote Sensing Techniques 
 Day 2

From Observation Requirements to System Requirements

Orbit Selection and Launcher Alternatives

Orbit and Coverage Simulation (Group Project session 1)

 Day 3

Electromagnetic Wave Theory and Antennas

Radar Remote Sensing

 Day 4

Microwave Radiometry

Microwave Instruments Design (Group Project session 2)

Basics of Space Optics

 Day 5

Passive Optical Payloads

Space Lidars

Optical Instrument Design (Group Project session 3)

 Day 6

Risk Management and Technology Development

Satellite System Design & Payload Accommodations

 Day 7

Space Segment Design (Group Project session 4)

Ground Segment & Operations Concepts 

 Day 8

On-Ground Assembly, Integration and Verification

Launch Campaign

In-Orbit Verification

System Design (Group Project session 5)

 Day 9

Development of Applications based on EO Data

Climate Monitoring using EO Data

System Design (continued)

 Day 10 Group Project final presentations


Online Introduction to Space Law Training Course 2021

Status: Call for the applications closed. Training Course delivered.

Date: 1-5 March 2021

Description: During this five day-online-training course, students are provided with an introductory overview of space law, why it is necessary today to regulate space activities and how it applies practically to space missions, from the smallest of projects like a university’s CubeSat project, the most famous feats of space endeavours like human spaceflight and the International Space Station right through to forward-looking questions like planetary defence.

By the end of this programme, students appreciate the importance of law in the realisation of a space mission and they will have an overview of the international legal frameworks which governs the space activity today.

Key Topics:

  • Introduction to the Core Principles and Concepts of Space Law
  • Space law and the United Nations
  • Overview of national space laws in Europe and beyond
  • Anatomy of a typical national space law
  • Legal Aspects during the life cycle of a space mission: from licensing to re-entry Insurance aspects and contracting practices
  • Space objects from CubeSats to Mega-Constellations
  • Space law and international cooperation
  • Space safety, sustainability and environmental protection
  • The future of space law: how to keep up with progress and promises


Online Gravity-Related Experiments Training Week 2021

Status: Closed. Training Week delivered.

Date: 25 January – 3 February 2021

Description: The aim of this online training week is to better prepare selected university student teams for their participation in the ESA Academy’s Fly Your Thesis!, Drop Your Thesis! and Spin Your Thesis! Programmes, by providing them with the information and basic knowledge that is required to design, develop, test, and perform a gravity-related scientific experiment or technology demonstration. The idea is to optimise the transfer of know-how and expertise from the experts in the field to the students, before their experiment campaigns, through lectures, workshops and meetings with the experts. Hence, the objective is to increase the quality of collected data and the success rate of the students’ hands-on projects.


Online Ladybird Guide to Spacecraft Communications Training Course 2021

Status: Call for the applications Closed. Training Course delivered.  
Date: 11 – 22 January 2021 

This training course consists of formal lectures with lots of interaction with the students and is provided by an ESA Engineer belonging to the Advanced Mission Concepts and Management Support Office of the Mission Operations Department of ESOC, the European Space Operations Centre in Darmstadt, Germany. He relays real stories of operations engineers battling wayward spacecraft – sometimes winning and sometimes losing. The way communications systems are designed can have a crucial impact on how they are used and on what problems can occur!

The students learn about ESA’s European space Security and Education Centre (ESEC) and the activities performed on site, including Galileo and PROBA spacecraft’s operations.

At the end of the training course, the students have a solid understanding of the challenges of communicating with a spacecraft and the subsystems involved in communications (both on-board and on the ground): what can go wrong, troubleshooting, and traps to be avoided during operations and testing.


Day 1    Introduction
Day 2    The Challenge 
  Modulation (Part 1)
Day 3    Modulation (Part 2)
Day 4    Coding
  ESA & ESA Education Programme
Day 5    Protocols
  Transmission (Part 1)
Day 6   Transmission (Part 2)
Day 7   Real Ground Stations
  Introduction to Galileo Programme
Day 8   Presentation of ESEC