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Participants of the 2nd ESEO In-Flight Experience Workshop

University students complete the 2nd ESEO In-Flight Experience Workshop

18/11/2021 612 views 14 likes
ESA / Education / ESEO

In brief

Building on the legacy of the ESEO mission, 45 Master’s and PhD students recently participated in the 2ndESEO In-Flight Experience workshop.


Throughout several days they received lectures on the lessons learned and experiences gained throughout the ESEO spacecraft development and operations. These were offered by the engineers, project managers and payload experts involved in the mission, both from the universities, industry and ESA. During the event the students got insight in the challenges and best practices of satellite development, to take to their own university projects, and their careers in the space industry.

2nd ESEO In-Flight Experience workshop
2nd ESEO In-Flight Experience workshop

Following an in-depth introduction to the spacecraft anatomy, the workshop included an overview of the ground station and Mission Control Centre, including a simulated pass of the satellite, providing the students insight into the finer details of spacecraft operations. Moreover, engineers involved in the real operations, both students and professionals, led the participants through the different steps that were followed when the spacecraft suffered an anomaly in orbit, by reconstructing the scenario up until the recovery actions that were undertaken. Finally, testimonials were offered by the student teams who had a hand in designing, building, and testing payloads and subsystems aboard the ESEO spacecraft, providing the unique perspective of a student satellite team.

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Participants of the 2nd ESEO In-Flight Experience Workshop
Participants of the 2nd ESEO In-Flight Experience Workshop