ESA title
Agility Astro-Course

Challenge 1: Nimble Navigation

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ESA / Education / Expedition: Home

Mission:  Time for a brain (and body) twisting game! Using your flexibility and agility, we want to see you navigate your way to the ISS on a course of hand and footprints.  The goal is to go as fast as possible from the beginning to the end without any mistakes: at each row you must always touch the paper with either hands or feet that match the picture on the card.

Film it, or snap a picture, and tag it on social media with #trainlikeanastronaut.


Set-up: To complete this activity, start off by drawing or painting handprints and footprints on cards(or print some from the internet). We recommend 36 cards : 8 from left hand, 8 from right hand, 8 from left foot, 8 from right foot. Print out or draw the ISS picture. Tape 3 cards in a row to the floor, mixing and matching the handprint and footprint cards, with the ISS at the end of the course. Have a stopwatch or cell phone ready to record how fast you complete the course. 

Go further:  Practice each exercise individually using the original activities: