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ESA / Education / Fly Your Thesis!

The following documents are essential for the programme Fly Your Thesis!. All the applicants are strongly encouraged to consult these and take them into account while preparing their applications.

1. Experiment proposal template, ESA
This document must be completed and submitted as the main document in the application process.

2. Experiment report template, ESA
This document serves both as a reference document through the preparation and the execution of the experiment as well as the final report once the programme ends. The selected students will complete this document as the project develops and they will have to re-submit it to ESA engineers and ESA’s Education Office at specific deadlines.

3. Privacy notice and consent form, ESA
This document is to be read and submitted ratified during the application process.

4. European User Guide to Low-Gravity Platforms, ESA 
The European Users Guide to Low Gravity Platforms provides an overview of the four low gravity platforms sponsored by ESA, including details of how they are made available to people wishing to use them for either scientific, educational or commercial purposes.

The four platforms covered by this Guide are: drop towers, parabolic flights (Chapter 5), sounding rockets and the International Space Station (ISS).

5. Experiment Safety Data Package (ESDP), Novespace
The ESDP is to be completed at the time of the design of the experiment. It includes all the technical information regarding safety. Based on this document, the prime contractor will decide whether the experiment is authorised to fly. A first draft version is expected during the selection process for the shortlisted teams and the final version will be prepared before the campaign.
Please note that this document is updated on regular basis. The participants are responsible for downloading the last applicable version before filling it in.

6.  Introductory Note, Novespace
The purpose of this document is to provide students with:

  • information regarding technical & safety selection criteria
  • level of information requested for filling the first revision of the ESDP at selection step
  • general advice and tips for managing the project.

7. Novespace A310 ZERO-G Interfaces Document, Novespace
This document describes the interfaces an experiment can interact with when installed onboard the A310 ZERO-G and shows the limitations that must be respected for safety reasons.

8. Terms and Conditions for Participation in ESA Parabolic Flight Campaigns', ESA
This document describes in detail the roles and responsibilities of all the participants in the Parabolic Flight Campaigns. This agreement or updated version thereof, must also be signed in order to participate in the campaign. They must be read and understood by all the participants prior to the campaign and includes a statement that must be signed by the students, as well as by the endorsing professor / academic of the selected teams. Teams are encouraged to provide these documents to the university legal administration as early as possible to ensure the university can sign the agreement and allow student participation.

9. Medical Requirements for Parabolic Flights', Novespace
All parabolic flight participants are asked to comply with medical criteria, in preparation for the campaign. 

10.  Erasmus Experiment Archive, ESA
An abstract of every ESA-sponsored experiment that has been performed on a microgravity or hypergravity platform can be found in this database. Recently, it also includes experiments on hypergravity platforms. This resource may be of great help when it comes to defining the team’s project.

11.  Experiment record template, ESA
This short document summarises the experiment for the database ERASMUS. It has to be filled by the selected team(s) before the campaign, and then completed and handled to ESA’s Education Office at the same time of the Experiment report. 

12.  ESA Roadmap 
This document lists some of ESA’s main objectives in science and technology for the foreseeable future. Read through the entire document to see if your experiment aligns with some of these goals also.

Please note that the information detailed above is subject to change without prior notice