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Join 2022-23 Moon Camp Challenge

14/09/2022 6886 views 41 likes
ESA / Education / Moon Camp

In brief

You do not need to be an astronaut to travel to the Moon: join the Moon Camp Challenge 2022-23 and get ready for an out-of-this-world adventure!


The Moon Camp Challenge is a school project for students to design their own Moon settlement with a 3D modelling tool.

Moon Camp features three levels of complexity for students between the ages of 6 to 19: Moon Camp Discovery (beginners), Moon Camp Explorers (intermediate), and Moon Camp Pioneers (advanced).

This year you can also share your school project through the Moon Camp @School sharing platform. Join the Moon Camp community and share your projects related to design or the exploration of the Moon. These projects can range from scientific experiments, hands-on projects, design of space infrastructures, 3D printing models, virtual or augmented reality worlds and much more. Get creative!

The 2022-23 edition has some exciting updates:   


Your team can start their 3D design project with the non-competitive">Moon Camp Discovery (recommended for 6 to 14 years old, but open up to 19).  Challenge your team to start designing a Moon base, a lunar lander, a lunar orbital space station, a lunar rover, a rocket, or a space suit, using Tinkercad.

Complexity: beginners
Tool: Tinkercad
Age range: up to (and including) 19 years old
Language: language of your choice. NEW!
Using Tinkercad, teams design the complete Moon Camp and submit their report to an expert jury. Participating teams will compete for the Moon Camp Explorers Prize for best project.

Complexity: beginners
Tool: Tinkercad
Age range: up to (and including) 14 years old
Language: language of your choice. NEW!
Using a software of their choice, teams design the complete Moon Camp and submit their report to an expert jury. Participating teams will compete for the Moon Camp Pioneers Prize for best project.

Complexity: advanced
Tool: 3D design software of their choice (Fusion 360 recommended). NEW!
Age range: 13 up to (and including) 19 years old. NEW!
Language: language of your choice. For judging, reports will be automatically translated in to English. NEW!

Registrations is open from 14 September 2022 to 18 April 2023.

All teams will receive a participation certificate. The winning teams of Moon Camp Explorers and Moon Camp Pioneers will receive a 3D printer sponsored by Airbus Foundation, ESA goodies, and the opportunity to participate in a live webinar with an ESA astronaut.

Explore more about the Moon with the set of interdisciplinary scientific classroom resources and other supporting materials.

Moon Camp is a collaboration between ESA and Airbus Foundation, in partnership with Autodesk.

Get Involved!

Learn more, access the project resources, and join the Moon Camp challenge 2022-23 at

Registrations open: 14 September 2022
Deadline for entry submission: 18 April 2023

Winning Moon Camp Explorers and Pioneers projects announced and winner's webinar: June 2023

If you want to know more about ESA education activities, register here to join us for a live Teach with Space 2022-2023 Information Session, 27 September at 17:00 CEST. We will walk through each of the annual ESA school projects, providing you with everything you need to know - how to apply, how to get started, and new exciting activities that will be organised throughout the year.