2012 Spin your Thesis! experiments
Three teams of university students were selected to develop and perform their hypergravity experiments during ESA's Spin your Thesis! 2012 campaign.
Gliding arc under varying hypergravity: plasma diagnostics and deposition of carbon nanostructures
The GRAVARC team is composed of two PhD students from Masaryk University (Czech Republic). They investigated the behaviour of gliding arc discharges in a methane-rich atmosphere in conditions of hypergravity and the properties of the solid products of the plasma-chemical reactions involved.
Acoustic control of rising bubbles at different gravity levels

The Bubble Movers team is composed of one PhD student and one undergraduate student from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain). They investigated the combined influences of acoustic control and hypergravity on rising bubbles.
A Floating Water Bridge in Hypergravity Conditions

The Wetsus team is composed of a Master’s student and two Bachelor’s students from Graz University of Technology in Austria, Budapest University of Technology in Hungary and Hanze University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. They investigated the behaviour of a high-voltage water bridge in hypergravity.