ESA title

Rosetta videos

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ESA / Education / Teach with Rosetta

This gallery provides you with a selection of videos from the official video gallery of the Rosetta mission. We have chosen the videos we believe to be attractive and relevant to support your classroom activities related to Rosetta. If you want to see the entire, official, Rosetta video gallery, please click here. For all ESA videos, visit the space in videos gallery on the ESA portal.

Ambition the film
How difficult is it to land on a comet? Demonstration from the International Space Station - full movie
Rosetta:  landing on a comet - documentary
Rosetta: why studying comets? - documentary
Rosetta's science investigations - documentary
Rosetta’s close orbits to lander deployment - animation

Rosetta's landing site selected - reportage








ESA Euronews: Comet Hunters: Rosetta's race to map 67P - documentary








Philae’s mission at comet 67P - animation








Rosetta's orbit of the comet - animation








Sunrise at the comet - animation








How big is Rosetta compared with the comet? - animation








Rosetta approaching the comet - animation








Rosetta wakes up from deep space hibernation - reportage








Rosetta’s twelve-year journey in space - documentary








Chasing comets - educational vodcast








Rosetta's view of Steins, September 2008








Rosetta's view of Lutetia, July 2010








From Giotto to Rosetta - documentary








The importance of studying asteroids - documentary








Rosetta's launch