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Teachers in Spain live with Luca Parmitano

European students go beyond with Luca Parmitano

17/10/2019 1018 views 9 likes
ESA / Education / Teachers' Corner

On 15 October teachers and students from Germany, Spain and Italy spoke live with ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano from the International Space Station. The in-flight call was part of the “Going Beyond”- themed events organised by local ESEROs in Bochum, Granada and Rome. 

Several teachers had the opportunity to ask Luca questions about his mission and about life and science in space. Among the questions posed to Luca were how living in space has psychologically and physically affected him and the role robotics will play in future space exploration. Luca was also asked about some of the experiments currently running on the ISS.

Watch the recording of the inflight call here

Additionally, students and teachers attended expert talks and guided activities coordinated locally by ESERO Germany, Spain and Italy in their respective countries. 

"Amazing day! Not only because of having the opportunity to present our space projects with some experts but for having the opportunity to ask our astronaut in live connection with the ISS. Shocking learning day!” Amparo Almodóvar (IES Bulyana – Pulinanas, Granada)

German teachers asking questions
German teachers asking questions

“Our boys and girls have gone through an experience which let them explore the world of the future, between science seminars and interconnections among ESA, ESERO sites and ISS. They came home full of new perspectives and with a better idea of the future.”

Valeria Foti, Alessandro Fonti, Fabrizio Mazzetti, Emilia Pisani, I.C. Duilio Cambellotti, (Rocca Priora)

"I am very thankful for the opportunity to revive the fascination for space and to collaborate with ESERO Germany in order to implement space topics in STEM curricula at school." Christina Müller (Gymnasium Siegburg Alleestraße)

"Fearful minutes, the hands trembled, the voice was almost gone, the question went through one last time in the head, breathe deeply and be happy! So many emotions are hard to put into words."Steffan Jauch (Realschule Calberlah)

Students and teachers in Italy attended the IFC
Students and teachers in Italy attended the IFC

More about ESA’s ESERO project

The European Space Education Resource Offices (ESERO)s design and disseminate classroom resources – all tailored to the national school curricula and language - which make use of space to make teaching and learning of STEM subjects more appealing and effective. In addition, they offer teacher training workshops and conferences for both primary and secondary school teachers, and support educational hands-on projects in the country. Through their activities, ESEROs also raise awareness about STEM-related career prospects, and promote the importance of space in our daily lives.

There are currently 15 operational ESERO Offices across Europe, covering 17 ESA Member States. ESA’s ESERO project is a collaboration between ESA, national space agencies, and educational partners.

More info about ESERO and where is located on our website.

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