Mission 4: Space Robotics
We all know that space is a subject that fascinates children of all ages. Increasingly, space is part of our lives.
The International Space Station (ISS) is one of the largest, international, cooperative space adventures to date, providing long-term research possibilities in a wide range of disciplines that will benefit people on Earth. The Station orbits our Earth, and is already inhabited by astronauts who carry out research in their “weightless laboratory” in space. The ISS represents an ideal tool for teaching as many of the astronauts’ activities that can be applied to several subjects taught in schools.
To help capture the interest of youngsters in science, and to support teachers looking for ways to introduce the concepts related to Robotics, an ISS DVD Lesson (the forth in a series) has been produced by the European Space Agency, with the support and input from experts, teachers and their pupils from schools in Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Sweden. Of relevance to pupils aged 12-18 years, it has been designed for use in the classroom and to encourage group exercises.
The DVD includes 12 European languages and comes in a handy DVD case that contains a Teacher’s Guide with an explanation on how to use the DVD, a brief introduction to the ISS, inter-disciplinary classroom activities related to European curricula, a glossary, further web and reading references, and an evaluation form. Chapters from the Teacher’s Guide (classroom exercises, glossary etc.) can also be copied and distributed to pupils.
If you would like to get a FREE copy* of the 4th DVD, sign up at:
Other DVD’s in this Zero Gravity series are:
- Mission 1: Newton in Space
- Mission 2: Body Space
- Mission 3: Space Matters