ESA title
Enabling & Support

Rosetta blog now live

09/11/2007 525 views 0 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Operations

The Rosetta Swing-by Blog is now online, and will run through to 15 November 2007 to cover the approach, swing-by and departure of Rosetta - ESA's 'Comet Chaser' - past Earth.

Rosetta Blog

This blog is operated by ESA as an unofficial and in-depth source of information direct from the Rosetta Dedicated Control Room. It will be updated by the media team at ESOC, the European Space Operations Centre, in Darmstadt Germany, and we plan to have direct input from the mission control team, the Spacecraft Operations Manager and some of the scientists working on Rosetta.

The Rosetta blog is provided strictly on an unofficial basis and ESA makes no warranty that the information in any of the postings is confirmed or official - but the team at ESOC will certainly do their best to get you the most accurate information possible, as soon as possible.

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Rosetta Swing-by Blog