ESA title
Swarm upper composite hoisted to the top of the service tower
Enabling & Support

Swarm launch timeline

21/11/2013 328 views 10 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Operations

Find below an outline timeline for the launch of Swarm on 22 November 2013. See notes below table for details. All times subject to change. Follow launch live via ESA TV, starting 10:45 GMT (11:45 CET).

Timeline 22 November 2013



L-00:60 11:12:00 12:12:00 GO/NO-GO roll call at ESOC
L-00:15 11:47:00 12:47:00 Satellites in launch mode 
L-00:00 12:02:15 13:02:15 Launch (end of gyro setting). This is the start time of the Rockot mission
L+00:00:14 12:02:29 13:02:29 L0 - LIFT OFF - Rockot lifts off from pad at Plesetsk Cosmodrome
L+00:02:16 12:04:31 13:04:31 1st/2nd stage separation, about 68 km altitude
L+00:03:04 12:05:18 13:05:18 Payload fairing jettison. The fairing is discarded at an altitude of about 125 km, as the vehicle is now well into space. Speed is now 3.6 km/s.
L+00:05:19 12:07:34 13:07:34 2nd/3rd stage separation. At 235.7 km altitude, the second stage separates
L+00:05:25 12:07:40 13:07:40 First ignition upper stage. Breeze-KM upper stage carrying Swarm starts first engine burn
L+00:14:41 12:16:56 13:16:56 End of upper stage first burn. Breeze-KM end of first burn. Altitude is now about 250 km, speed 7.8 km/s. Begin 61 minute coast
L+01:15:54 13:18:09 14:18:09 Second ignition upper stage. Breeze-KM starts second engine burn lasting just 16 seconds
L+01:16:10 13:18:26 14:18:26 Cutoff upper stage. Breeze-KM shut down; injection into orbit at about 490 km altitude
L+01:31:32 13:33:47 14:33:47 Satellite separation. The Swarm trio separate from the Breeze-KM upper stage.
L+01:31:36 13:33:51 14:33:51 First acquisition of signal (AOS) of Swarm-A and -B via Kiruna station, Sweden
L+01:35:28 13:37:43 14:37:43 First AOS of Swarm-C via Svalbard station, Norway
L+01:43:05 13:45:20 14:45:20 Start of upper stage deorbit burn 1. First Breeze deorbit burn
L+01:43:15 13:45:3 0 14:45:30 End of upper stage deorbit Burn 1 
L+02:30:00 14:32:15 15:32:15 Start of upper stage deorbit Burn 2. Second Breeze deorbit burn


  • All times are forecast only and subject to change
  • Times shown in italics are approximate
  • MET: Mission elapsed time as counted at ESOC
  • UTC: Universal Coordinated Time (same as GMT)
  • CET: Central European Time (Winter)
  • AOS: Acquisition of signal
  • Timeline sources: ESA and Eurockot

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