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ESA Discovery & Preparation
Enabling & Support

ESA’s Discovery & Preparation elements 'in focus'

18/11/2022 758 views 6 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Discovery and Preparation

Laying the groundwork for ESA’s future by running high-risk and blue-sky R&D that might lead to potentially game-changing concepts and technologies. Working with industry and academia to develop baseline designs for future ESA missions in all domains and across all ESA directorates. These are the goals of the Discovery & Preparation elements of ESA’s Basic Activities.

Discovery & Preparation supports studies, co-sponsored research and R&D projects that are typically carried out by European industry and academia, who submit their novel ideas for space research through ESA’s Open Space Innovation Platform (OSIP). Our new brochure presents some of these activities, grouped by focus topic.


By investing in innovative concepts, undertaking blue-sky research and supporting the development of disruptive technologies with high commercialisation potential, ESA’s Discovery element supports the Agenda 2025 goal to double ESA’s investment in ‘game-changing’ technologies and increase the share of industry-driven technology developments. ESA Discovery therefore stimulates and accelerates the world-class European space sector, helping prepare European industry for tomorrow’s opportunities and ensuring that ESA remains a leader in space.


The Discovery & Preparation elements both support ESA’s objective of boosting commercialisation for a green and digital Europe, also set out in Agenda 2025. Several dedicated OSIP calls for ideas have led to a large number of concrete activities across a range of topics serving this goal, as well as others specified by the ESA Director General in Agenda 2025. Among them are studies and R&D activities on the creation of green propellants, space debris mitigation, and climate monitoring, as well as the in-orbit servicing of spacecraft. Other activities contribute to advancing the fields of cyber-resilience, safe launches and secure operations.


By preparing ESA for the future, we are ensuring that Europe retains an empowered and independent role in the global space industry. Discovery & Preparation are ESA’s tools to be ready for the next stage of space exploration – to the Moon, Mars, and beyond – as well as to improve life on Earth for future generations.


By giving ongoing activities visibility via the Activities Platform and publishing the results of past activities via the Nebula Library, new efforts can build upon lessons learned from past and present activities, avoiding repetition while triggering partnerships and ideas for future activities.

The collection of articles in this brochure highlights some of the topics investigated via Discovery & Preparation. By no means is this list exhaustive, but it provides a good overview on the large variety of topics covered during the last two years. The content was first published as ‘in focus’ articles online, and is subject to regular updates.

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