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Enabling & Support

Implemented OSIP ideas — January 2021

19/02/2021 873 views 5 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Discovery and Preparation

ESA's Open Space Innovation Platform (OSIP) seeks novel ideas for new space research activities. Campaigns and Channels invite solutions to specific problems or ideas on more general topics, with those run by Discovery & Preparation, including the Open Discovery Ideas Channel, specifically looking for ideas that could be implemented as system studies, early technology developments, or PhD or postdoc research co-funded by ESA and a university.

Open Discovery Ideas Channel

Depictions of the five ideas implemented through the Open Discovery Ideas Channel in January 2021.
Depictions of the five ideas implemented through the Open Discovery Ideas Channel in January 2021.

In January 2021, the following ideas were implemented through the Open Discovery Ideas Channel.


Mixed-criticality fault-tolerant systems for the future generation of spacecraft computers

Polytechnic University of Milan

Computing has evolved considerably in recent years, to the point where several traditionally separate applications can be achieved with one computing platform. This is attractive for sending to space as it reduces weight and cost. However, their increased complexity makes it more challenging to use the computers in critical systems that require strict design requirements. Criticality is defined as the relative risk of a high cost arising from failure of that component. This co-funded research project will investigate how to integrate computing systems with multiple applications – and therefore multiple criticalities – into spacecraft.


Fault-tolerant active vibration isolation platform for adaptable payloads

Eindhoven University of Technology

Future space missions will require extremely high pointing accuracy and an ultra-quiet environment for scientific instruments. This is very challenging since critical on-board equipment generates a lot of vibration. With the advent of increasingly sensitive imaging sensors and more lightweight materials, understanding and controlling the propagation of these disturbances is vital. This co-funded research activity will investigate a hybrid isolation strategy combining passive isolators and active control.


High-voltage, high-current latching current limiters and solid-state current breakers

Miguel Hernández University of Elche

High voltage distribution simplifies power distribution in high power spacecraft by reducing current flow. Nowadays, there are several types of mission that would benefit from an increase in bus voltage, including large telecommunications satellites in geostationary orbit, orbital servicing missions, interplanetary carriers, space tugs and probes. From the perspective of power distribution, one of the difficulties at such high voltages is to develop suitable solid-state latching current limiters and circuit breakers. This co-funded research project will build upon previous research to design such devices that can handle high voltages.


Superfood for space: New method and system for automated cultivation of Wolffia globosa in human spaceflight

University of Naples Federico II

For crewed interplanetary missions, astronauts should take a highly nutritious plant that is entirely edible, grows quickly, is easy to cultivate and is highly adaptable to the space environment. However, at present no plant species has been found to satisfy all these requirements. This co-funded research project will investigate whether a plant called Wolffia globosa could be a good candidate for long-term space missions. It will look into a novel automated cultivation system that would maximise the performance and nutritional value of the plant within the constraints of the space environment.


An AI assistant to interact with remote sensing images

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

To make remote sensing images accessible to everyone, this co-funded research project will create an ‘AI assistant’ that interprets a user's questions about the content of images and predicts the answer they seek. With a single model, this AI assistant could answer questions about land changes in time series, as well as the presence or number of specific objects. Besides being a new way to interact with ESA products, it will be a crucial step towards developing a Digital Twin of the Earth, where the globe can be queried for information-on-demand through satellite imaging.


Off-Earth Manufacturing and Construction

Depiction of the idea implemented through the Off-Earth Manufacturing and Construction Campaign in January 2021.
Depiction of the idea implemented through the Off-Earth Manufacturing and Construction Campaign in January 2021.

The following idea was implemented through the OSIP Off-Earth Manufacturing and Construction Campaign.


In situ production of cellulose for use in hydroponic systems from organic wastes on a Moon base

Athlone Institute of Technology

Read about this public idea in OSIP
