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Enabling & Support

Implemented OSIP ideas — November 2021

14/12/2021 651 views 2 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Discovery and Preparation

ESA's Open Space Innovation Platform (OSIP) seeks novel ideas for new space research activities. Campaigns and Channels invite solutions to specific problems or ideas on more general topics, with those run by Discovery & Preparation, including the Open Discovery Ideas Channel, specifically looking for ideas that could be implemented as system studies, early technology developments, or PhD or postdoc research co-funded by ESA and a university.

Open Discovery Ideas Channel

Depictions of the 13 ideas implemented through the Open Discovery Ideas Channel in November 2021.
Depictions of the 13 ideas implemented through the Open Discovery Ideas Channel in November 2021.

In November 2021, the following ideas were implemented through the Open Discovery Ideas Channel.


Can floating plastic pollution be observed by satellites through wave damping?

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

Dark bands associated with wave damping can be observed in radar images of the ocean surface. In some cases, these bands are associated with algal blooms or oil slicks. However, in some images the cause of these dark bands is not clear. The accumulation of floating marine pollution, particularly plastic, could be the culprit, but there is currently no convincing scientific evidence to either confirm or rule out this hypothesis. This co-funded research project will examine whether it is theoretically possible for floating marine litter to significantly affect the properties of surface waves, so that its signature can be detected by satellites.


Connecting space logistics and architecture – a pattern language for robust mission design

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)

Space logistics is becoming ever more elaborate with interconnected and complex space missions. The early-stage mission design process could be improved by developing supporting tools that efficiently generate mission concepts for decision makers. Robust architectural choices could be made by learning from and trading-off solutions already developed for terrestrial networks. This co-funded research project will explore to what extent the challenging logistical requirements of complex missions can be supported by a formalised and transparent representation system identifying key trade-offs at concept-level design.


High-speed integrated electro-optic modulator for the visible range

ETH Zurich

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Water storage system for lunar life support and exploration

Sirin Orbital Systems

The International Space Exploration Coordination Group's Global Exploration Roadmap expects human missions to the lunar surface around 2030. But if we are to meet this target, the ability to generate and store propellant and life support consumables such as water and oxygen is vital. This early technology development project will advance a key technology to forward space exploration – a water storage system for lunar life support. The proposed water container stores water in liquid state down to temperatures as low as -120°C using a passive unfreezing method.


High-power filters with novel temperature-compensation techniques and multi-domain topological co-design

University of Birmingham

Radio frequency hardware operating in space at high power requires careful temperature compensation to ensure thermal stability and keep them working properly. Existing thermal stability techniques have been used for a very long time. There is a drive to develop new materials and new compensation techniques. This co-funded research project aims to develop an entirely new temperature-compensation technique using an integrated artificial ‘material’ with engineered properties.


Ground station reflector antenna with novel beam-switching capability based on intelligent surfaces

Safran Data Systems, CNRS

The resolution of new Earth observation instruments and the increasing number of missions mean that more and more data is being sent down to Earth. This co-funded research project will investigate the use of intelligent surfaces – those whose properties can be adjusted to control the propagation of electromagnetic waves – to improve the way that this data is collected by ground stations. It could lead to much more efficient ground stations in terms of cost and mass, or future missions with new or improved functionalities.


From reactive oxygen detection to oxygen farming

National Technical University of Athens

For humans to explore the Moon, we need to be able to produce oxygen on site. On the Moon's surface, oxygen exists in so-called 'Reactive Oxygen Species', mixed with other elements. This early technology development project will investigate an oxygen release system that can measure and extract this oxygen, as well as selecting sites that are least toxic for astronauts. The system will be tested on mineral powders and lunar regolith simulants, ices, lunar meteorites, and lunar rocks.


ISRU on Mars: Plasma conversion of CO2 from the Martian atmosphere

Instituto Superior Técnico

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Cellular agriculture for future human space missions

yuri GmbH

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Scalable cavity-embedded semiconductor quantum dot-based single-photon sources for QKD satellite quantum communication protocols


Advanced design tools are critical for the progress of any technology platform, and this will be no less true for quantum technologies. This early technology development project aims to develop advanced modelling tools for single-photon sources, the key enabling components of quantum communication networks (QCNs). QCNs are unhackable channels for communicating through light, whose ultimate security is guaranteed by the laws of quantum mechanics.


Development of innovative EMC lean testing techniques for very small satellites (CubeSats)

Polytechnic University of Milan

It is essential to ensure that the electrical and electronic equipment within a spacecraft function correctly. When switching on an experiment for example, if other payload systems, such as the telemetry or other telecommunications links, are disturbed or even disrupted, there could be fatal consequences. CubeSats are becoming a popular solution for quick and easy access to space. Their standardised modular structure allows essential parts such as solar panels, batteries or processor boards to be developed as commercial off-the-shelf components. The tight spaces and cheap components make the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the system a delicate and critical issue. This co-funded research project will obtain simple EMC specifications for CubeSat components starting from the measurement of emissions from commonly used parts, such as processing boards.


Satellite-based microwave remote sensing for marine litter mapping (MARES)

Instituto de Telecomunicações

Satellites could play a key role in detecting and monitoring human litter that reaches the oceans and seas. This early technology development project seeks to study the very fundamentals of how to detect plastic waste from space with current microwave sensors, which will enable the continuous monitoring of ocean surfaces, the planning of cleaning operations and a better understanding of the impact of marine litter.


Magnetic Shields for Quantum Sensors in Space

UK Research and Innovation

Future gravity missions based on Cold Atom Interferometry gravity gradiometers are being developed by institutions such as ESA and NASA. These systems need specific magnetic fields to work, meaning that they must be shielded from external magnetic fields. These magnetic shields are a big contributor to the size and weight of these missions, so this study aims to design a new magnetic field to reduce their overall mass; the team behind the study will carry out simulations to investigate the effects of shielding material characteristics and geometry.


Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components

Depictions of two of the ideas implemented through the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components Campaign in November 2021.
Depictions of two of the ideas implemented through the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components Campaign in November 2021.

The following ideas were implemented through the Campaign for new ideas for the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components.


SIMULUS-based HW/SW co-simulator for rapid integration and safe operation of COTS-based SmallSat missions: The SmallSatEGSE

thya aerospace

The European Ground System - Common Core (EGS-CC) is a European initiative to develop a common infrastructure to support the development of ground space systems for space missions. Based on ESA's SIMULUS software, this early technology development project will develop the smallSatEGSE, a cost-effective, adaptable, and extendible rapid development platform for SmallSat mission technologies. The system shall act as a miniaturised satellite development testbed and would remove market entry barriers for universities and SMEs.


Evaluation of radiation sensitivity of Photonics Integrated Circuits (PICs) technology

Airbus Defence and Space

Electronic devices in space are exposed to a lot of radiation; this can cause long-term damage. Total Ionising Dose (TID) is the measure of the total energy absorbed by matter. The sensitivity of an electronic component to TID can be tested in the lab before the component is sent to space. This study will investigate how a specific device referred to as a 'Triplex platform' would fare in the radiation-heavy space environment. In particular, it will use a laser to investigate the device's sensitivity to TID.


Reliability analysis of plastic encapsulated active components exhibiting interfacial delamination in CSAM

Airbus Defence and Space

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Integrated approach for an SEE robust design (ISEE-RD)

SENER – Aeroespacial

One of the key difference between traditional components and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components is the Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) approach. For RHA, two main aspects need to be addressed: the effects of cumulative radiation, and Single Event Effects (SEE). This early technology project will focus on the latter, looking at two COTS microcontrollers running in parallel, to build a COTS part that is resistant to SEE.


Mixed software/hardware-based fault-tolerance techniques for complex COTS system-on-chip in radiation environments

Barcelona Supercomputing Center

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Feasibility study on advanced COTS RF transceivers for space applications

Thales Alenia Space

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Radiation characterisation of commercial 3D NAND-flash technologies for spaceborne mass memory applications

University of Oldenburg (Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg)

Mass memory systems are needed to store the large amount of the data generated by satellites. Currently there are no highly reliable devices (those traditionally used in satellites) that can compete with commercial flash devices in terms of costs, memory density, power and device size. But these commercial devices are not sufficiently reliable, available or tolerant to radiation. A memory device called NAND is used in MP3 players, digital cameras and USB flash drives – this co-funded research project will investigate how NAND flash devices would react to space radiation.


Solar power from space

Depiction of the two ideas implemented through the solar power from space Campaign in November 2021.
Depiction of the two ideas implemented through the solar power from space Campaign in November 2021.

The following ideas were implemented through the Campaign for new ideas for solar power from space.


Solar array to high voltage power bus: power conversion techniques

Miguel Hernández University of Elche

Solar arrays are currently limited to a few hundred volts. This is not nearly enough for solar power satellites which would require significantly higher voltages. This co-funded research project will focus on recent trends in terrestrial high voltage photovoltaic power conversion as a starting point to answer the question: what are the most effective high voltage photovoltaic power conversion techniques for solar power satellites and how can they benefit current satellite power systems?


CORES – COllaborative Recycling of End-of Life SPS

University of Strathclyde

The build-up of satellites and space debris in orbit around Earth threatens everything from space operations to ground-based astronomy. How can we ensure that solar power satellites don't add to the problem? This co-funded research project will study collaborative robotics solutions to dismantle, replenish and remanufacture large space infrastructures.


Sustainable hydrogen production

Depiction of the idea implemented through the sustainable hydrogen production Campaign in November 2021.
Depiction of the idea implemented through the sustainable hydrogen production Campaign in November 2021.

The following idea was implemented through the Campaign for new ideas for sustainable hydrogen production technologies.


Photoelectrochemical system for CO2 reduction to produce fuels and sewage

Fundación Tekniker

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