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Enabling & Support

Implemented OSIP ideas — October 2021

04/11/2021 708 views 2 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Discovery and Preparation

ESA's Open Space Innovation Platform (OSIP) seeks novel ideas for new space research activities. Campaigns and Channels invite solutions to specific problems or ideas on more general topics, with those run by Discovery & Preparation, including the Open Discovery Ideas Channel, specifically looking for ideas that could be implemented as system studies, early technology developments, or PhD or postdoc research co-funded by ESA and a university.

Open Discovery Ideas Channel

Depictions of ten of the ideas implemented through the Open Discovery Ideas Channel in October 2021.
Depictions of ten of the ideas implemented through the Open Discovery Ideas Channel in October 2021.

In October 2021, the following ideas were implemented through the Open Discovery Ideas Channel.


Space navigation with pulsars

Centre of Studies and Activities for Space 'Giuseppe Colombo', CISAS – University of Padova

A pulsar is a magnetised, compact, rotating star that emits beams of radiation from its poles. This co-funded research project will explore whether it is possible to use the almost-periodic signal from pulsars for autonomous satellite navigation. In particular, it will seek to answer the following question: what can be the achievable positioning accuracy of a navigation system based on pulsars? What will be the size and the mass of the required onboard sensors?


A portable training system for multi-sensory pre-adaptation to reduce space motion sickness

University of Zurich

Most astronauts suffer from motion sickness in space. As well as nausea and vomiting, this can impair reaction time and decision making, which can jeopardise mission tasks. Sensitivity is currently reduced through centrifuge-based training which numbs the symptoms. But this method comes with two problems: it weakens angular motion perception which may increase disorientation and a centrifuge must be available if re-training is needed. This co-funded research project will explore the possibility of a new training method – a wearable system that manipulates multi-sensory cues to reduce astronauts' sensitivity to motion sickness, while preserving their balance and spatial orientation.


Cold photonics

Air Liquide Advanced Technologies

In the world of optical communications, Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOA) are major challengers to the traditionally used Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs). The benefits of SOA's include that they are small, cost-effective, provide excellent bandwidth and have good switching performances. Air Liquide has carried out experiments to find that keeping SOA's very cold can help them outperform EDFAs. This early technology development project will investigate what space applications could benefit from these results, and what new applications could be envisioned.


Ultrafast optical beam steering for space applications

MDA Space and Robotics

Optical beam steering involves pointing light in a specific direction, not by using mechanical moving parts, but rather by changing the optical properties of a material that the light travels through. There are many potential applications in space and on Earth. The University of Oxford has already proved the concept; in this early technology development project, they will work with MDA Space and Robotics on upgrading the technology for use in space applications.


The formation of binary asteroids

University of Alicante

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High specific impulse Vaporising Liquid Microthruster using a novel actively controlled heating strategy

University of Salento

Recent advancements in micro-electromechanical systems have enabled the development of secondary micro-propulsion systems for small satellites. Among them, Vaporising Liquid Microthrusters are an interesting choice thanks to their simplicity and the advantage in using lighter and smaller propellant tanks. However, to provide a reasonable thrust and impulse, the fluid green propellant is heated at temperature much higher than its boiling temperature, inducing explosive boiling into the flow channels. This reduces the lifetime of the microthruster and dramatically worsens its nominal performance. This co-funded research project aims to overcome these problems and strongly increase the efficiency of these microthrusters.


Hybrid multi-species cold atom interferometry for inertial measurements


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Enabling effective communication for human space exploration beyond low-Earth orbit

Braided Communications

Effective communication between astronauts and ground support personnel is critical for safe and successful human space exploration missions. Due to the large distances involved in spaceflight, communication can be severely disrupted by time delays. Braiding is a new, innovative, patent-pending tool that enables effective and efficient ground-to-space conversation in situations of time delay, from small lunar-type latencies (~1.2 secs, one way) to much larger Martian ones (~3-21 mins one way). This study will develop the user-testing of the operational version of Braiding.


Physics-Aware Automated Machine Learning (PA-AutoML) for Earth observations

Leiden University

Two types of model exist for estimating environmental parameters from Earth observation. On the one hand, a group of theory-driven physical models is used for various processes. Although these models are consistent with the governing physical rules of the Earth system, they are often inaccurate. On the other hand, data-driven models acquired from machine learning algorithms offer substantial benefits in improving the modelling accuracy by capturing patterns in Earth observation data. These, however, may lead to physically implausible results. This co-funded research project will look at combining the two types of model to accurately estimate a diverse set of environmental parameters.


Magnetically shaped spike arrays for field emission devices

FOTEC Forschungs- und Technologietransfer

Ion thrusters are a form of electric propulsion used for spacecraft propulsion. They are efficient and can reach high speeds but have low thrust (or acceleration). Observing natural phenomena has always been a source of insights which often fostered technological innovation. The team working on this early technology development project has been inspired by the effect of magnetic fields on magnetic powders to devise a new way to manufacture high thrust density ion thrusters.


Enabling data-driven searches in ESA astronomical images for the first time with deep learning

University College London

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Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components

Depictions of two of the ideas implemented through the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components Campaign in October 2021.
Depictions of two of the ideas implemented through the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components Campaign in October 2021.

The following ideas were implemented through the Campaign for new ideas for the use of Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) components.


Lockstep-based SEE mitigation approach for COTS SoC FPGAs

University of PiraeusX

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Evaluation of COTS HEMT design domain extension to high voltage applications through modelling of heavy ion effects on long term reliability

Airbus Defence and Space

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Board level testing


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Accelerating space computing with COTS artificial intelligence devices

Cobham Gaisler

As artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving so quickly, it is necessary to rely on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components to stay abreast of technological progress and take advantage of its benefits to the space domain. Although the idea of using COTS AI devices in space is not new, this early technology development project aims to include novel AI devices in COTS planning in a systematic way, and to rapidly support ongoing system developments with a dedicated radiation testing and screening programme for the first generation of AI devices.


Reusing automotive certification and qualification standards

Barcelona Supercomputing Center

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COTS plastic parts as applicable to extreme temperature

Alter Technology Tuv Nord

For space parts, plastic packaging could be useful for reducing mass, cost and development time. But when travelling to and operating in space, this plastic would be exposed to extreme temperatures from below -55ºC to above 125ºC. This study will carry out a literature review on the subject, execute testing activities on selected components, and develop test guidelines to carry out up-rating temperature testing.


Solar power from space

Depiction of the idea implemented through the solar power from space Campaign in October 2021.
Depiction of the idea implemented through the solar power from space Campaign in October 2021.

The following idea was implemented through the Campaign for new ideas for solar power from space.


In-space manufacturing of large structures by direct extrusion of UV-curing polymer

Munich University of Applied Sciences

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Model-Based System Engineering

The following idea was implemented through the OSIP Model-Based System Engineering Campaign.


How models evolve through the project lifecycle: a digital model philosophy for space project management

University College London

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