ESA title
Model-based system engineering
Enabling & Support

The Discovery Campaign on model-based system engineering

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ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Discovery and Preparation

Below is the list of some of the Discovery programme projects resulting from ideas submitted through the Open Space Innovation Platform (OSIP) Campaign 'Model-Based System Engineering: from documents to models'.

MBSE enhanced by semantic DataLake integration and machine learning (ScopeSET)

FAMOUS improvement: transfer of academic knowledge to semantic interoperability (GorillaIT)

Model-based avionics (Thales Alenia Space)

Application of MBSE to reverse-engineer OPS-SAT and improve OPS-SAT2 (Samares Engineering)

Application of MBSE to reverse-engineer OPS-SAT and improve OPS-SAT2 (OHB System)

EasyMod or how to facilitate the acceptability of the MBSE to systems engineers (IRT Saint Exupéry)

System engineering models meet knowledge graphs (University of Strathclyde)

A distributed ledger approach to MBSE (University of Strathclyde)

Enabling continuity: from design to operations (VisionSpace Technologies)

Integration of the COMPASS and TASTE toolsets (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)

Early in the loop MBSE assessment of electronic availability for nano/micro-satellites (IRT Saint Exupéry)

End-to-end system engineering portal (Spacecube)

Space to ground ICD modelling and generation (VisionSpace Technologies)

Artificial intelligence and natural language processing to support space engineering activities (Thales Alenia Space)

Harmonising MBSE standards into ECSS (CGI Deutschland)