ESA title
Enabling & Support

For a sustainable future

29/11/2016 1226 views 8 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Space for Earth / Space for Sustainable Development

Sustainable development concerns all of us. Reduction of poverty, good health, provision of sufficient food and clean water, education for all, access to energy, economic development, adaptation to climate change... are among the main challenges that we all face on Earth. ESA has been fostering sustainable development on Earth for years via its programmes, data and services and fully intends to continue this process.

Since the beginning of space applications, it has been one of ESA's main priorities to support those helping to address the many societal challenges we are facing.

With the adoption in September 2015 by the United Nations of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a set of 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) have been defined to be achieved in each country by 2030. Supporting those goals is well in line with ESA's guiding principles.

However, it is often not easy for the “users” to find the relevant information on what space tools are available. A catalogue of ESA programmes and activities concerned has now been built, which gives appropriate information on how to find more information on these tools.

The catalogue is meant to support all user entities responsible for supporting development and prosperity in one's own country, official development assistance, humanitarian assistance or the management of refugees, for example by providing them with the necessary information on relevant programmes or activities.

It can also serve as a basis to enhance the collaboration that exists between space  agencies, operators or service providers to join forces in facilitating information exchange with the users via what could be considered a “coordination platform”. Such platform would allow requests from and needs of concerned user entities to be comprehensively analysed and answered, thus improving the socio-economic benefits of space activities.

This catalogue identifies available or planned activities and programmes that can be provided either via ESA directly, or via partners when ESA data and services have been transferred, or via commercial entities using ESA technology or data. It is available online and will be regularly updated and complemented (not all projects are yet included, many more will be added). In order to facilitate the identification of what may be offered, the catalogue is organised in terms of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Each programme or project is presented by a short text and a table at the end provide links to sites where more information can be found.

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