ESA title
Participants at SECESA 2018
Enabling & Support


29/10/2018 1406 views 6 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology / CDF

The 8th International Systems & Concurrent Engineering for Space Applications Conference (SECESA 2018) was held in the city of Glasgow. It was jointly organised by ESA and the University of Strathclyde.

The conference was attended by over 100 specialists and industry leaders, representing all the European space and non-space entities dealing with Systems and Concurrent Engineering. National agencies participated to the event and there were also representatives from NASA JPL, JAXA and the Chinese National Space Science Centre. Numerous were delegates from Academia, taking advantage of the networking opportunities offered by the conference.

A wide range of topics were covered during the sessions over the 3 days, as well as a Keynote speech on each day. Panel discussions, World Cafès, Round Tables actively involved participants in inspiring discussions. A Poster Session and Interactive DEMO’s gave the opportunity to have hands-on experience on models, tools and innovative solutions proposed by the speakers.

After last year’s first ‘Meet the Experts’ session proved very popular, it was included in this year’s programme and demonstrated again to be very effective.  The well-attended networking breaks gave the participants the chance to catch up, meet new people and exchange ideas.

The workshops were split into 8 sessions over the 3 days along with 3 Keynote speeches. The sessions covered were:

  • Digital Transformation in Space
  • Poster Session Elevator Pitches
  • Digital Engineering & MBSE: applications and Plans
  • Interactive DEMOs Session Elevator Pitches
  • Systems & Concurrent Engineering Methodology Evolution & Trends
  • Concurrent Engineering – Academic Perspectives
  • Concurrent Engineering – Status & Plans
  • Future Trends in Engineering Design
Depute Lord Provost, Bailie Philip Braat and Massimo Bandecchi
Depute Lord Provost, Bailie Philip Braat and Massimo Bandecchi

Additional programme elements included, World Café, Round Table, Poster Sessions, Interactive DEMO, Meet the Experts and Exhibitions of Sponsors’ Booths; RHEA, Airbus, iChrome, UTOPIAE.

Technical sessions were complemented by a rich Social Programme. On the 1st day participants were invited for a Welcome Reception drink to the elegant historic building of the Glasgow City Hall. A speech was given by Depute Lord Provost, Bailie Philip Braat, Scottish Labour, followed by a thank you message by the organiser Massimo Bandecchi.

Cocktail Reception for participants
Cocktail Reception for participants

On the second day participants were invited to attend a Cocktail Reception offered by the Main Sponsor of the Conference  - RHEA Group – in the Glasgow Museum of Science, where they could play with and enjoy the scientific and technological interactive games on display. 

Participants at the Glasgow Museum of Science
Participants at the Glasgow Museum of Science

An “Across The Universe Tour” in the 360° planetarium’s 15-metre hemispherical dome inspired participants with images of stars, planets and constellations, followed by images from Rosetta, Gaia and the International Space Station.

The 3 course dinner was enriched by a traditional bagpipe show, and by a dynamic animation from the organisers.

Traditional bagpipe show
Traditional bagpipe show

The Announcement of the next edition of SECESA, in 2020, was made at the end of the dinner, followed by a thank you speech from the delegate of the selected university: TUDelft.

Interactive, dynamic, innovative in format and original in content: SECESA 2018 was a great success. Thanks to the University of Strathclyde for hosting the CDF Team!

Looking forward to welcoming all the participants – and more! – to SECESA 2020!