ESA title
Enabling & Support

IP for commercialisation

23474 views 21 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology
All Space IP Electronics & communication 
Materials & new production
Health / Biotechnology Industrial production /
Data processing
Security / Safety Energy / Environment /


Year after year, ESA develops a vast array of innovative, highly sophisticated technologies and applications to support its space programmes and make Europe's space endeavors happen. Many of these developments result in intellectual property (IP) for top-notch technology. A lot of this IP owned by ESA also has significant commercial potential for non-space applications.

On behalf of ESA, the Technology Transfer Programme Office is tasked to market the Agency’s own IP to the non-space industry in order to make sure they are exploited to their full potential.

The above lists contain full technology descriptions of such IPs, including innovation advantages and suggested market applications.

For further information, please contact:

Aude de Clercq[at]
tel: +31 71 565 8662

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