Join our online ESA-NASA Advanced Manufacturing conference
Next year’s 1st International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing for Air, Space and Land Transportation, co-organised by ESA and NASA, is moving online.
Bringing together the space, aeronautics and land transportation engineering and manufacturing communities, the conference includes a special session on promising ‘immature technologies’ for Advanced Manufacturing. Want to take part? The deadline to submit abstracts has been moved to 15 December.
On Earth we have ‘Industry 4.0’ – the application of increased connectivity, intelligence, flexible automation and advanced manufacturing techniques to the industrial landscape. Meanwhile off the planet, the era of ‘Space 4.0’ has begun, with many new nations and private sector actors reaching out to space, with a corresponding growth in commercialisation and competitiveness.
The conference covers the combination of the two: how smart and advanced manufacturing technologies – including 3D printing, virtual testing, big data-driven and quality control processes – can alter the manufacturing supply chain for the increasingly competitive space arena, progressively increasing customer value and supply chain efficiency.
ESA’s Advanced Manufacturing initiative
Within ESA, the Advanced Manufacturing cross-cutting initiative has focused on this overlap. The initiative homes in on emerging manufacturing technologies that overcome the limitations imposed by traditional manufacturing techniques, in the process opening up new industrial possibilities in terms of design freedom, streamlined production stages and reduced cost and increased performance.
Since the start of the initiative, more than 100 technology development activities have been kicked-off with the European space industry, covering technology maturation in the area of materials and processes.
These include surface engineering; shaping; additive manufacturing; composite manufacturing; joining; virtual manufacturing; embedded sensors; process modelling and simulation.
The initiative has brought together industrial and institutional partners from all sectors of the manufacturing and design domain of space, and has assisted in the development and industrialisation of manufacturing processes in Europe.
Join us on our journey
The aim of the 1st International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing for Air, Space and Land Transportation – taking place on 7-11 March 2022 – is to promote and facilitate discussion and exchange of experience among members of various engineering disciplines; covering design, development, assembly, integration and verification aspects. By bringing the community closer together the conference will facilitate cross-fertilisation opportunities and promote an inter-sectorial technical and commercial exchange worldwide.
Special focus on ‘immature technology’
As part of the conference, a special event on 11 March dedicated to ‘immature technology’, will give students and researchers the chance to present their ideas to the advanced manufacturing community consisting of representatives from leading space agencies, industries and academia. The best contributions will be voted for and proposed for future collaboration with ESA.
The Immature Technology day aims to raise awareness of the International aerospace community of technologies that are still in their infancy with all associated issues, but holding plenty of future promise.
Register for the conference
Join us for our online event on 7-11 March 2022.
The conference’s international committee took the decision to move to an online event in view of the evolving COVID-19 pandemic in Europe, to ensure a safe environment for the event.
Submit your abstract to the 1st International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing for Air, Space and Land Transportation and the Immature Technology Day before our 15 December 2021 deadline.