The CANopen Controller IP Core (CCIPC)implements a large subset of the CANopen services as defined in the CAN in Automation (CiA) Standard “CANopen Application Layer and Communication Profile”.
Two different flavors of the IP-Core are present, CCIPC and RCCIPC; the latter one implementes a subset of the CCIPC with the advantage of a consistently reduced silicon area occupation.
According to the CANopen services as defined in the CAN in Automation (CiA) Standard “CANopen Application Layer and Communication Profile”, the (R)CCIPC IP-Core is designed to act as:
- SLAVE node in a CANopen network, responding to a master request;
- SERVER node for SDO Download and Upload services;
- PRODUCER and CONSUMER node for PDO and Heartbeat services;
- CONSUMER of SYNC message;

The (R)CCIPC structure is illustrated in the following Figure. Note how it contains a wrapper for a CAN IP-Core Controller; the current wrapper is built for the ESA HurriCANe IP-Core but, in principle, any CAN Controller IP-Core can be integrated with the CCIPC, as long as the appropriate modifications are performed on the wrapper.
Area and Speed Results
Note that the IP-Core is highly configurable so, depending on your specific configuration, the results can change significantly.
- RTAX1000S - Combinatorial: 7807, Sequential: 1775, Clk: 19.9MHz
- A3PE300 - Combinatorial: 12785, Sequential: 1779, Clk: 20.9 MHz
- XC4VLX25 - Combinatorial: 7106, Sequential: 1701, Clk: 34.2 MHz
- RTAX250S - Combinatorial: 2730, Sequential: 976, Clk: 16.6MHz
- A3PE300 - Combinatorial: 4801, Sequential: 975, Clk: 19.6 MHz
- XC4VLX25 - Combinatorial: 2250, Sequential: 924, Clk: 27.7 MHz
Sitael (2012)
Version 3.7, CCIPC and 2.3, RCCIPC - December 2013
Special licensing restrictions
ESA can grant licenses for the use of the (R)CCIPC IP core only for activities funded by the Agency (ESA projects).