(OBDH stands for "On-Board Data Handling")
The DOCC (DHS On-board Communication Controller) core features Control and Remote Terminal (CT/RT) functionality for OBDH (On-board Data Handling), DHS (Data Handling System, PSS-04-255) and RTU-kernel.
Area/Speed Results
Actel RT54SX72S: 1344 (comb.) / 541 (sequential)
Developers and Contributors
* Luis Berrojo, 1996
* Pedro Rodriguez, Alcatel Alenia Space, 2000
Current Release
version 2.0, 22-Dec-2005
For a history of bug reports and fixes, modifications, upgrades, etc, please refer to the OBDH IP Core Release Notes.
Special licensing restrictions
ESA can grant licenses for the use of the OBDH IP core for space applications only.