ESA title
Enabling & Support

Data Compression Tools

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ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology / Onboard Data Processing

TEC-EDP has compiled a set of tools supporting test, evaluation and implementation of data compression algorithms. For more information and support, please contact:

Data Compression Tools

WhiteDwarf Data Compression Evaluation Tool

<i> <center>       WhiteDwarf </i>Screenshot  </center>
WhiteDwarf Screenshot
WhiteDwarf is an application that supports the evaluation of compression algorithms by the prospective users of those algorithms. It allows users to compress and decompress their own data files, and optimize algorithm choice and compression parameters by testing with representative user-selected datasets. It also allows users to perform pre-processing functions on their files. Using this tool, users can test how different combinations of algorithm and compression parameter perform when compressing samples of their own data. These combinations may be stored, exported and imported. The generation of test reports is also supported.

The tool is made available to ESA supported projects and to companies in ESA member states. To obtain an authorized copy, please refer to the WhiteDwarf project page on the European Space Software Repository (ESSR):

CCSDS 121.0 Reference Software

A reference software implementation of the RICE algorithm (CCSDS 121.0 standard) is available as part of the WhiteDwarf data compression evaluation tool (see above). The software is available as executables for Windows and Linux.

CCSDS 123.0-B-1 Multispectral & Hyperspectral Lossless Data compression

A software reference implementation of the CCSDS 123 standard for is available under European Space Agency Public License - V2.0. The software is available as source code for Windows and Linux. Download here.

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