Passive and RF passive Components
Passive and RF Passive Components represent more than 80% of the EEE parts used in spacecraft. Therefore, they represent a major concern for space applications. In recent years, the development of passive components in space applications has been driven by reliability, performances, new functionalities, mass and volume saving and especially cost reduction.
What is the Passive Components domain?
The definition of passive component may vary depending on manufacturer, users or applications. As a typical definition, Electrical, Electronic and Electromechanical (EEE) components which do not require electrical power to operate are called passive components. Passive components are not capable of power gain or not capable of energy production. Passive components covered in the components’ section are the following:
Capacitors & Supercapacitors, Resistors, Inductors and Transformers, Relays & Switches, Crystals & Oscillators, Connectors, Wires, Cable assemblies, Fuses, Thermal sensors, Thermistors, Heaters, Piezo elements, etc.
RF Passives components covered as well are:
- Circulators, Isolators, Power Dividers, Couplers, RF connectors, RF Wires, RF Cable assemblies, Loads, Attenuators, SAW Devices, etc.
Why are Passive and RF Passive Components important?
Today, new challenges are arising due to the new space era: Time to market and Cost saving are now the main key performances’ indicators. At ESA, these challenges are being faced by:
- Implementing new requirements for the usage of passive COTS and ensuring a reliable procurement to ESA projects taking into account the different assurance classes of components
- Identifying the strategic technology needs for ESA projects regarding passive components and initiating necessary developments and qualifications in order to meet ESA missions’ requirements.
Space Passive Component Days (SPCD) international Symposium
The SPCD international Symposium is the premier technical conference dedicated to passive components for space applications. It is an exceptional venue to learn more about the latest advances in this field and meet recognized experts from industry, academia and agencies.
The aim of the SPCD symposium is to promote the discussion of recent developments and trends, and to encourage the exchange of technical expertise and information covering a broad range of passive EEE components for space applications.
More information can be found on the symposium website: