ESA title
Enabling & Support


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ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology

SME4Space is a private not-for-profit organisation, legally incorporated under Belgian Law. It's aims are to: 

  • carry out research activities in space, innovative and related sectors;
  • define and defend common positions; representing SMEs with public authorities i.e. the European Space Agency, the European Union and its related agencies;
  • organise seminars and information sessions;
  • organise a network of SMEs to encourage cooperation and related activities.

S4S presently consists of 12 Working Members (Associations/Clusters): Aerospace Valley – France; AIPAS - Italy; Czech Space Alliance - Czech Republic; GLAE - Luxembourg; Hungarian Space Cluster - Hungary; Hellenic Association of Space Industry - Greece; Lithuania National Space Association - Lithuania; Madrid Aerospace Cluster – Spain; SME Forum - UK; SpaceNed – The Netherlands; Space PL – Poland; VRI - Belgium; and 1 Individual Company Member: Arquimea Ingenieria - Spain.

SME4SPACE VZW is the ideal partner for carrying out dissemination activities especially with respect to SMEs, thanks to its international profile and its capacity to represent the interests of a network of space SMEs (more than 350) covering 12 European Countries.

Furthermore, each member has a network of contacts with other companies, universities or associations of their own country and abroad, which extend its geographical coverage. SME4Space has plenty of experience in organising events and research activities such as EU SME Week in 2009 and SPACE4SME, a research programme commissioned by ESA (2007–2009).

S4S also engaged in ITACA (Innovation Technologies and Applications for Coastal Archaeological sites) a 27 month EU FP7 project which started in January 2014. In the framework of this project SME4SPACE will carry out some dissemination activities among other tasks.

For further information, visit their website at:

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