ESA title
 Space-Based Solar Power for Earth's energy needs
Enabling & Support

SOLARIS activity plan

22/12/2022 2042 views 30 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology / SOLARIS

ESA’s SOLARIS initiative has the objective of undertaking system studies, technology developments, stakeholder engagement activities and research activities to mature the technical, economic and programmatic feasibility of Space-based Solar Power (SBSP) for terrestrial clean energy needs. Specific objectives include:


  1. To determine the benefits, technical feasibility, costs and risks, of space-based solar power as a clean energy contribution to European Net Zero by 2050
  2. To position Europe as a serious player in the development and commercialisation of space-based solar power technologies and systems, open to international cooperation
  3. To raise awareness of space-based solar power as a potential clean energy solution amongst European energy providers, national governments, and the European Commission
  4. To establish international cooperation opportunities with other nations
  5. To prepare the technical and programmatic basis of a proposal for a European space-based solar power development programme for decision at CM25. Such a programme would likely require an entirely different setup to traditional ESA programmes and projects.


The SOLARIS Activity Plan outlines the potential activities currently foreseen to be required during the period 2023-2025 to achieve the SOLARIS objectives. The activity plan builds upon preparatory activities already undertaken by ESA during 2021-2022 and has been formulated in consultation with ESA experts, using technical study inputs available from recent ESA and international studies on SBSP, and in coordination with activities planned in other Directorates in particular ESA's Directorate of Space Transportation Systems (D/STS).