ESA title
Enabling & Support

GSTP Closed Activities

ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology / Shaping the Future

Competence Domain 1: EEE / Components / Photonics / MEMS 

Prototype ASIC for NIR Large Format Detector Array Ideas (NO) GSTP 2017 GEN
Atomic Layer Deposition of Detector Anti-reflection coatings e2v (GB), Aalto University (FI), Nanovate (FI) GSTP 2017 GEN
Control Loop Processor Phase 1 SABCA (BE), Spacebel (BE), IMEC (BE) GSTP  2017 EO
Enhanced CCD Design & Process ESCC Evaluation Teledyne e2v (GB) GSTP 2017  GEN
Vanadium Dioxide High Resolution Uncooled Bolometer Array XENICS (BE), National Optics Institute (CA) GSTP 2016 EO

Competence Domain 2: Structures / Mechanisms / Materials / Thermal

Friction Stir Welded Low Cost  Propellant Tank TWI (GB), Airbus D&S (GB) GSTP 2016 GEN  
Alu-Ti Welding demonstration and  Pre-Qualification Omnidea-RTG (DE), IWS (DE), Omnidea (PT) GSTP 2016 GEN  
Development and characterisation of advanced metal matrix composites Tecnalia (ES) GSTP 2016 GEN  
Development of thermal insulation for planetary landers and rovers RUAG Space (AT) GSTP 2017 EXP
Contactless Angular Position Sensor (CAPS) RUAG (CH) GSTP 2016 GEN
Development and Characterisation of Advanced Metal Matrix Composites Tecnalia (ES) GSTP  2016 GEN
Development of in-situ material characterisation with original cryogenic fluids  Energie Technologie (DE) GSTP 2016  GEN
Composite Space Structures Modelling and Analysis Software (COSSMAS) Prime: SamTEch (BE) GSTP 2016 GEN
Adapting Crystalsol product to a moon environment Crystasol (EE), Univ. Tallinn (EE)  GSTP 2016  GEN

Competence Domain 3: Avionic Architecture / DHS / OnBoard S/W / FDIR / GNC / AOCS / TT&C (E2E)

Pointing Error Engineering Software Framework Astos Solutions (DE), Airbus DS (DE) GSTP 2016 GEN
Low Cost S-Band Flexible Transponder for Minisatellites Syrlinks (FR) GSTP 2016 GEN
IMA Separation Kernel Qualification - preparation SciSys (GB) GSTP 2016 GEN

Competence Domain 4: Electric Architecture / Power & Energy / EMC

Improved Ge wafer technology for multi-junction solar cells III UMICORE (BE) GSTP 2016 GEN
LEO PCDU Evolution Engineering Model in the range <1kW for EO and science satellites CRISA (ES) GSTP 2016 GEN

Competence Domain 5: End-to-end RF & Optical Systems and Products for Navigation, Communication & Remote Sensing

Scalable Large Area SiPM SensL (IE) GSTP 2017 GEN
HyperScout® (former Hypercube) Cosine Research (NL), Science and Technology (NO), VITO (BE) GSTP 2016 EO
Design & build 94Ghz radar front end modules ARRALIS (IE) GSTP  2016 GEN
STREEGO - Innovative solutions for high resolution small satellites MEDIALARIO (IT) GSTP 2016  EO
Bimorph adaptive large optical mirror demonstrator (BIALOM) Prime: Université Libre de Bruxelles (BE) GSTP 2016 GEN
Focal Plane Assembly Technology Development for SPICA/SAFARI STICHTING RUIMTE ONDERZOEK (NL) GSTP 2016  SCI
Adaptive deformable mirrors for space instruments Münster Univ. of Applied Sciences (DE) GSTP 2015 GEN
Cryogenic testing of a Brazed Optical Quality SiC Mirror  AMOS (BE) GSTP 2015 SCI

Competence Domain 7: Propulsion, Space Transportation and Re-entry Vehicles

Experimental investigation of cryogenic two-phase-flow Prime: Airbus Safran Launchers (DE) GSTP 2017 ST
Advanced Particle Filters NanoSpace (SE) GSTP 2017 GEN
Supersonic parachute test on a MAXUS flight Vorticity Limited (GB), Fluid Gravity Engineering Ltd (GB) GSTP  2017  EXP

Competence Domain 10: Astrodynamics / Space Debris / Space Environment

Phase B1 of an Active Debris Removal mission Airbus DS (DE) GSTP 2017 GEN