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Enabling & Support

Ariane 6 joint update report, 8 June 2023

08/06/2023 4446 views 19 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Transportation

As anticipated in May, here is an update of the progress being made towards inaugural flight of the new Ariane 6 launcher.

The next update is expected end July.

Key milestones towards inaugural flight:

Started May 2023: Ground combined tests sequence, at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana - This test sequence notably includes two wet rehearsals and a long firing test of the lower stage on the launch pad. The successful achievement of this sequence is a main prerequisite for the inaugural flight.

Starting June 2023: Flight software qualification tests - Software tests in anticipation of the inaugural flight mission, in nominal and degraded conditions.

Completion of outstanding qualification reviews of the different products and sub-systems.

Starting late-June 2023: Overall launch system qualification review - Unified qualification review of the launcher, launch system and launch base.

July 2023: Upper stage additional hot firing test at DLR Lampoldshausen, Germany - This test on the P5.2 test bench will simulate a nominal flight profile like the one planned for the inaugural flight, to confirm the expected behaviour of the upper stage. A further test is planned, after summer, to examine stage behaviour in degraded cases.

Starting November 2023: Launch vehicle assembly - Following sea transportation of lower and upper stages from France and Germany to French Guiana, this process will include in a full-fledged flight configuration a final wet dress rehearsal.

Recent achievements

May 2023: a first batch of documentation has been delivered as planned for the overall launch system qualification review allowing to confirm the beginning of this review end June.

Early June 2023: the configuration of the avionic platform (iron bird) which is used for qualifying the avionic system including flight software with hardware in the loop has been changed and is now ready for the qualification tests in flight configuration. The avionic platform has been used successfully for qualifying the avionic system necessary for the Combined Tests.

Ongoing: The Combined Test specimen of the rocket is a functional model in an Ariane 64 configuration. It is assembled on the launch pad at Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou and used for the combined tests together with the qualified ground segment installations. Electrical interfaces have been connected and functional checks have been performed, using the control bench that is part of the launch pad. Fluidic interfaces have been connected in May and functional checks are being completed, as an important step towards loading/de-loading of the launcher model with fluids which is planned before summer break.

Ongoing: In Europe, the assembly of the elements of the first Flight Model (FM1, the launcher for the inaugural flight) is well advanced. Modules integration is progressing in ArianeGroup’s factories in Les Mureaux and Bremen. In Les Mureaux, operations started in the Pre-FAL1 (first step of the Final Assembly Line in mainland Europe for the Lower Propulsive Module) with the integration of the hydrogen tank. In French Guiana, the two P120C solid rocket motors have been cast (FM1 is an Ariane 62 configuration).

Ongoing: The launch base technical qualification review was started in December. The first part (excluding the control bench) concluded in April. The review did not raise major concerns on the qualification. The second step of the technical qualification review dealing with the control bench was started at the end of May and will be concluded mid-June 2023.

The Ariane 6 Task Force consists of top management of ESA, launch base prime contractor CNES, launcher system prime contractor ArianeGroup and launch service provider Arianespace.