ESA title
Call for ideas for space transportation services
Enabling & Support

Next stop – space

06/09/2018 3917 views 61 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Transportation

Services using information from space are now integral to our daily lives – mobile communications, global positioning, weather forecasting, to name just a few. Reliable access to space through existing launch systems have enabled these services to grow into commercial realities. Opportunities for business in and from space are opening up.

Pioneering ideas for transportation services – to, around or returning from space can meet these needs. ESA, tasked with growing and supporting European businesses is reaching out to offer advice, help Europe stay ahead of the competition, and shape the future of space.

This week is the final window of opportunity for space- and non-space-based companies, start-ups, individuals, universities and institutions, to gain feedback from ESA experts to help turn their ideas on new space transportation services into commercial successes.

Ideas could include: new microlaunchers for small satellites, in-orbit servicing systems, transport for exploration missions or cargo supply services, space logistics or assisting returns from space. All ideas should complement existing ESA space transportation programmes and activities.

Proposals have been coming in to ESA over the last few weeks – where is yours? If you think you have a sound commercial idea, seize this opportunity for valuable feedback from ESA.

All eligible ideas received before 14 September will receive feedback from an ESA panel of experts and up to three outstanding entries will win a trip to Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana to see a launch.

For further information related to this announcement of opportunity, click here.

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