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N° 2–2009: ESA Director General to meet the press in Paris

5 January 2009

On Wednesday 14 January 2009, ESA Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain will meet the press at ESA Headquarters in Paris. The gathering will start at 08:30 with breakfast, followed at 09:00 by a press briefing to review the Agency’s activities in 2008 and look ahead to those of 2009, a year set to be full of events and marked by several major launches i.e. Herschel-Planck, GOCE, SMOS and CryoSat.


Human spaceflight will also be under the spotlight this year with the final selection of astronauts and two European astronauts joining the International Space Station: Frank de Winne, for a long-duration mission, and Christer Fuglesang.

Media representatives wishing to attend are kindly requested to complete the attached accreditation form and return it, preferably by fax (+33(0)1.5369.7690) or email (, to the ESA Media Relations Office in Paris.

For further information, please contact:

ESA Media Relations Office

Communication and Knowledge Department

Tel: +33(0)1.5369.7299

Fax: +33(0)1.5369.7690


ESA Director General’s press breakfast

Wednesday 14 January – 08:30

ESA – 8/10, rue Mario Nikis – 7515 Paris

First name: __________________ Last name:____________________

Media organisation: _________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________

Tel:__________________________ Fax: ________________________

Mobile:______________________ Email: _______________________

[ ] I will be attending the press breakfast

[ ] I will not be attending

For further information, please contact:

ESA Media Relations Office

ESA Communication and Knowledge Department

Tel: +33(0)1.5369.7299

Fax: +33(0)1.5369.7690



For further information:

ESA Media Relations Office

Tel: +33.(0)1.5369.7299

Fax: +33.(0)1.5369.7690