N° 20–1994: ESA/Greece Cooperation Agreement
4 July 1994
A Cooperation Agreement between the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Government of Greece was signed today in Athens by the Greek Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology, Mr. G. Simitis and Mr. J.-M. Luton, ESA's Director General and in the presence of Mr. J. Charalambous, Minister of Transport and Communications.
This Agreement, covering cooperation on the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, is an expression of ESA's political desire for opening and expanding the cooperation to other European States. It mentions a number of activities, such as regular exchanges of information, visits, the award of fellowships, joint symposia, mutual access to databases and laboratories, studies on joint projects in fields of mutual interest and describes a mechanism for selecting and executing projects of common interest. The Agreement is concluded for a period of five years with the possibility to be renewed.
ESA has established since a number of years fruitful contacts with the Hellenic National Space Committee and has recently agreed to provide the Greek Ministry of Transports and Communications with consultancy support to the Hellas-Sat project.