N° 42–1997: ESA/Russia cooperation: another step forward
18 November 1997
Another step forward in the close cooperation between the European Space Agency and Russia has been taken today with the signature in Moscow between Mr A.Rodotà, Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA), and Mr G.E.Marnedov, Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, of an Agreement on customs clearance providing for certain exemptions from duties for goods exchanged between ESA and Russia in he context of their space cooperation.
This important Agreement will clear the path for ongoing and future bilateral cooperative activities, in particular in the context of the International Space Station (ISS) endeavour, such as the supply by ESA, on a barter basis, of the European Robotic Arm ("ERA") and a Data Management System ("DMS") for the Russian segment of the ISS.
The Agreement will also facilitate loans of equipment for research and experimental purposes and remove some significant obstacles to cooperation, thereby fostering closer relations.
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