N° 1–1994: Esa ready for 1994
11 January 1994
In 1994 ESA will be involved in a long series of events. These are the key dates to be earmarked in your agendas:
13/01 HST Servicing Mission first results: Press Conference at NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, Greenbelt, USA. Release of first images to European media and production of video news release distributed via Reuter.
20/01 Ariane V63 launch (Eutelsat II F5 & Turksat 1).
11/02-18/02 STS-61 crew visit to Europe. Report on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) mission.
Tentative schedule:
11/02 ESA HO, Paris, France
14/02 BAe, Bristol, United Kingdom
15/02 ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands
16/02 ESO, Munich, Germany
17/02 Bern, Switzerland
18/02 Geneva, Switzerland
21/02 Presentation of HST results to ESA's Science Programme Committee (SPC) at ESA HO.
Session open to Press.
23/02 Ariane V64 launch (Intelsat 7 F2).
28/02-03/03 15th AIAA International Communications Satellites Systems Conference, San Diego, USA. ESA exhibition stand.
t.b.d. Hand over of Meteosat-6 to Eumetsat. Press event in Darmstadt, Germany.
08/03-11/03 Oceanology International '94, Brighton, UK. Exhibition and conference. ESA/BNSC exhibition stand and ERS-1 demonstrations.
t.b.d. Ariane V65 launch (Solidaridad II and Bd-3N
25/04-28/04 Eureca results symposium, ESTEC Noordwijk, the Netherlands.
25/04-29/04 European Geophysical Society conference, Grenoble, France. ESA booth.
t.b.d. Ariane V66 launch (Telstar 4 or DirectTV 2 & Thaicom 2).
t.b.d. Forum der Technik, Munich, Germany. ESA exhibition.
09/05-13/05 2nd Euro-Latin American Space days, Buenos Aires, Argentina. ESA exhibition.
28/05-05/06 ILA '94, Internationale Luft-und Raumfahrt Ausstellung, Berlin, Germany. 1500 sqm Spac pavilion in cooperation with DARA, DLR and BDLI.
t.b.d. Ariane 5, 1st Vulcain firing on launch pad (first of a series of firing to validate EL launch pad and ground infrastructure).
t.b.d. ERS-2 Press Day, ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Presentation of spacecraft and briefings.
t.b.d. Ariane V67 launch (Panamsat 2).
06/06-10/06 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) conference, Ottawa, Canada. ESA/Radarsat booth.
t.b.d. Ariane V68 launch (Brasilsat B1 and Turksat 2).
t.b.d. Ariane 5, M3: third firing of Ariane 5 boos with flight structure in Kourou, French Guiana
08/07 ESA Science exhibition inauguration at the Hamburg Planetarium, Hamburg, Germany (till December 1994).
08/07-22/07 STS-65/Spacelab IML-2 (Internatinal Microgravity Laboratory) Mission. Large ESA involvement in payload (Biorack, CPF, etc..
10/07-21/07 COSPAR ' 94 (Committee on Space Research) Plenary meeting, Hamburg, Germany.
t.b.d. Ariane V69 launch (DirectTV2 & Thaicom 2).
13/08-24/08 International Aereonautical Union (IAU) '94 General Assembly, the Hague, the Netherland
05/09-11/09 Farnborough International '94. ESA Space pavilion with BNSC and UK industry.
13/09-16/09 ULYSSES first polar pass Workshop at ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Press Day on 16/09.
t.b.d. Signature of Envisat and Polar Platform development contracts.
t.b.d. Ariane V70 launch (Astra 1D).
t.b.d. Ariane 5, M4: fourth firing of Ariane 5 booster with flight structure in Kourou, Fr Guiana.
t.b.d. Launch of Russian Photon retrievable satellite with ESA's Biobox 2 and Biopan 2.
03/10 EUROMIR 94 launch; 30 day mission with ESA astronaut
09/10-14/09 IAF '94 (45th International Astronautical Federation Congress and exhibition), Jerusa Israel. ESA exhibition.
t.b.d. STS-66/ Atlas 3 (Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science) mission with ESA participation and ESA astronaut on board.
t.b.d. Ariane V71 launch (Brasilsat B2 & Eutelsat F6 or Telecom 2C).
t.b.d. EUROMIR 94 - end of mission
t.b.d. Ariane V72 launch (Panamsat 3 or M-SAT)
t.b.d. Ariane 5, M5: fifth firing of Ariane 5 boos with flight structure in Kourou, French Gui
t.b.d. Texus 33 launch with mainly ESA payload
December :
t.b.d. Launch of ERS-2 by Ariane. or Jan. 1995
Note: Launch dates are very much dependent on different factors such as readiness of spacecraft and/or launcher and thus remain undetermined (t.b.c. = to be confirmed) for quite some time. Ariane launch dates will be confirmed by Arianespace, NASA will manifest Shuttle launch dates accordingly. All other ESA events still t.b.c. at this stage will be re-confirmed in due time via the usual flow of Press Releases and Information Notes.