N° 13–1999: Shaping the future of Europe in space
1 April 1999
On Monday, 12 April the Director General of ESA, Antonio Rodota`, and ESA's Acting Director for Strategy and Technical Assessment, Jean-Jacques Dordain, will meet the press at ESA Headquarters in Paris. At a briefing starting at 15:00, they will outline the proposals which will be made to ESA's governing Council, gathering at its ministerial-level in Brussels next May 11 and 12.
The main objective of this Council meeting is to shape the future of the space sector in Europe by setting out the goals and establishing the priorities that are required for Europe to continue playing a major role in space activities.
The Ministers will be asked to endorse ESA's new strategy and its role in working with national players, intergovernmental organisations, EU institutions and industry to respond to the challenges awaiting Europe. They will also be asked to decide within the ESA's long-term plan covering the period 1999 to 2006, new programmes for space science, access to space (launchers), space applications (earth observation, telecommunications, navigation and multimedia), exploitation of the international space station and advanced technology.
Media representatives wishing to attend the press briefing are kindly requested to complete the attached accreditation form and return it, preferably by fax, to ESA's Public Relations Division in Paris (fax no. +33 (0) 1 5369 7690).
Press Briefing in view of the ESA Council at Ministerial Level Monday 12 April 1999 - Arrival and registration as from 14h45 ESA HQ - 8/10, rue Mario Nikis - PARIS 15